Rockport Atria or Avior in Houston to listen to ?

I am considering purchasing some Rockport Atrias but am having trouble locating a local or semi-local dealer in Houston to go listen to them.  

Are there any members in Houston with either pair that might be willing to let me come listen?  Would be happy to bring your choice of 6-pack.


I think Ryan Coleman here in Houston went from Wilson’s to Rockport. He goes by the screen name ryno either on this site or the other site(s).  Another person that had Rockports was David Ellington, regional sales manager for Audioquest.  I think you can reach David via the houstonaudio yahoo group.
Thanks.  I did reach David and he has an older pair of Rockport Aquila's, which is is interested in selling, BTW if anyone can use speakers that size (too big for me).
There’s a guy in audioaficionado that has Aviors in Houston.  I forget the name.
Thanks.  I did see that in a posting - Super Dave ? - but cannot seem to get registered to that site.  I do not receive emails back confirming my registration details.  

If you happen to have a contact, please let me know

thank you