Rockna Wavelight thoughts?

Rockna's new wavelight looks great at ~$5K, im guessing it sounds similar to the acclaimed big brother wavedream, very little reviews/impressions so far though, anyone have one or plan to order? im looking to try a good R2R. denafrips terminator was just OK in my system. i especially wonder how wavelight performs vs la voce s3 which is a similar price. couldnt find any dealers that would home demo the two. any other suggestions for +/- 5k?


Showing 4 responses by teajay

If you are looking for a great R2R DAC take a look at my review on the Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE DAC on the website Stereo Times. It retails for $2,500, is beautifully built and is exceptional music maker. By the way I know three listeners who owned Denafrips Terminators who replaced them with the Tubadour III SE and loved the change to this DAC.
Hey Everybody,

I just received information that a Wavelight DAC  will be sent to me for a review for Stereo Times.  I'm very interested in what this DAC's performance level will be.  Hopefully, in the next two weeks, depending on when I receive it, I'll give some feedback about what I'm hearing.
Hey milpai,

Just last night I submitted my review to my editor on the Wavelight. Hopefully, it will go up on the Stereo Times website in the next couple of weeks.
Hey yysantabarbara,

Both DACs are the antithesis of your Benchmark DAC3B. Both are much more fuller sounding regarding image density and have better tonality/colors then your DAC3B. I have reviewed both DACs that you are asking about, my review on the Wavelight for Stereo Times has been submitted but not yet published yet. Because the Wavelight is a solid state design it is slightly quieter then the Tubadour SE III that uses tubes in its analog conversion section. Both are great DACs.