How about Defenitive Technology BP7004? It seems perfect.
Rockin Speaker under $1000 used
I have a small room (12' x 12') and like Alt. rock but listen to a bit of everything. I want speakers that are dynamic, clear, powerful, and have bass. They should not be harsh or too IN-YOUR-FACE. Ill be driving the speakers with a Jolida 302B tube amp. I have IXOS Super Gamma 7 bi-wire and Audience Conductor interconnects.
So far I think im going to get Energy Connoisseur C-9's. If anyone knows of a speaker better than this that will go well with my tube amp please tell me. Thanks
So far I think im going to get Energy Connoisseur C-9's. If anyone knows of a speaker better than this that will go well with my tube amp please tell me. Thanks