Rocket 88R vs v12R???

Does anyone have any experience comparing these two tube amps?

I called Cary and the tech there told me that the voicing is similar and the biggest difference is in the power. he said they are both essentially the same circuit. But I have a hard time believing that 30 watts/channel in triode (88R) vs 50 watts/channel in triode (12R) makes that big a difference. The EL-34 vs KT-88 thing is where the money is.

Any opinions or experiences with the R version or the 88 vs the 12i version?


Showing 2 responses by kevziek

I frankly can't understand how anyone could consider the V12 a good sounding amp. I had both a new one, which was burned in only about 50 hours, and I much preferred my ARC VT100 to it. A year later, an audiophile friend with a very revealing system (B&W Signature 800's -- keep in mind Dennis Had uses B&W N802's) borrowed a well-burned in V12 from a local dealer, and it sounded exactly the same -- anemic bass, a thin, piercing sound. The imaging & soundstaging was poorly defined, and the whole sonic picture was a congealed mess when playing complex passages. We both hated it, and frankly couldn't believe how bad an amp it was.
Gmood.....B&W's are not bright. I have used many pieces of equipment with my 802 Matrix 3 (& I have the superb Northcreek crossovers). Neither are the Signature 800's bright; rather, they are highly-resolving speakers that kick the butt of much of the so-called great speakers out there.
-- Speaking of which, I heard the Sonus Faber Cremona, and, while good, they certainly didn't live up to all the hype, i.e. Sam Tellig, et al, and they most CERTAINLY don't hold a candle to the B&W 800. And I heard them with ARC preamp & Jeff Rowland 112's. ---

I stand by my evaluation of the Cary V12.