Rock Music: 1951-1976 vs. 1977-2003

There have been a number of posts recently where people have voiced opinions about how much better music was back when "Star Trek" was in it's original run. This is a post intended to examine the issue in a little more detail.

Let's say rock & roll started in 1951 with "Rocket 88" and has evolved continously through the present day. That's 52 years of 4/4 music with a heavy backbeat and it puts the midpoint at about 1977, or the start of the punk/new wave sound. My question is which of these two periods produced the best music. Voice your opinion and explain why.

Showing 1 response by clueless

You're right Buscis, in a sense it is age catching up with you.

This is a hard Q for more than one reason. One reason, I think, is that a person’s receptiveness to Rock music is caused by a hormonal imbalance that usually starts to come to an end somewhere in one’s twenties. It is not that you will never grow to love new rock music after a certain age, it is just that it is harder to do so. I have a few favorites that I still listen to and they are all, for the most part, from the first time period (51-76). The few that attract my attention, Peter Gabrial, Neil Young, or somebody, are mostly holdouts from the old days too. My guess is that young folks these days can listen back to Led Zeplin and the Beatles and it may attract their attention. Not much new in the Rock world in the last 20 years has touched me and I think it as much me as the music. It is certainly <3-4% of what I listen to these days.

Any of you older folks getting into new rock?

I remain,