Rock and Roll Snobbery

Can anyone explain why otherwise high end, musical systems might "not be good for rock and roll?" Or why a system that sounds fine for pop and rock might not do justice to classical and jazz? It seems to me that a great system should sound good with all types of music and that a good for classical system might be deficient in bass which is not exactly state of the art.

Showing 3 responses by bencampbella3c8

Sorry but I think most modern recordings (rock n'pop) sound great...I cannot think of a single release bought this year that is not well-recorded...could someone tell me what exact recordings we are talking about and what is wrong with them? Most artists take a great deal of time recording and effort perhaps I'm just used to "modern" recordings and they are overcompressed or of the above post talks about Rush I think their re-masters sound well produced and recorded...some of the sounds may have dated but....... Regards, Ben
Cme on guys one CD hardly proves the point.....I don't believe most serious artists would allow their albums to be over compressed just to sound good on radio/boomboxes...many acts have made mistakes with productions but...also the argument about CD issues is we are talking about badly mastered issues..more and more remasters are being released and they sound great..take the early Zep releases to the remasters. Maybe the odd pop band or cash-in merchants might butcher their releases for commercial success but I would argue most modern releases sound very good indeed. Most big artists take their music very serious I can't see record companies telling these guys to overcompress their albums. Even independant labels now release very well produced albums with plenty of "space" between instruments.... Regards, Ben
Mmmm-I went back and listened to the only CD I had that is mentioned above,the 2nd Stone Roses album and yup it is way overcooked(haven't listened to it in years it's from '94). It strikes me and this is just an observation that it may be distinctly a problem with Artists aiming at the American market..i.e lots of radio play..certainly the Stone Roses album on Geffen was a failed attempt to break the States(almost 4 years in the making)..I guess I tend not to buy some of the artists that are mentioned above..but I can appreciate it is a maybe proves my point that it is still down to those who are aiming for big commercial gain over artistic appeal (I'm going to get in trouble on this probably..)..take artists like Radiohead ,Madonna,(no.1 albums?)it can be done--- good modern recordings....I still find some of the recordings held-up by Audiogon members as excellent,Lucianda Williams, Cowboy Junkies et al as nothing more than ok and maybe a tad sterile but we all like different things I guess...personally prefer Eva Cassidy of that ilk and I still think that even now that a good modern recording ultimately sounds better than that of even a couple of years ago......... Regards, Ben