Robert & Alison-Raising Sand

I just got this gem on vinyl the other day and i must say its fantastic. Quite the combo doing what they do best!

Anybody else had the chance to listen to this yet?


Showing 2 responses by stevecham

Well, I like it, but especially, the wife likes it. This album has the potential to have a very high WAF score.

A good thing.

Sunday morning music in my home. Sonically OK.

But what the heck is Alison doing singing about a woman...oh, really? I had no idea ?!?!?!?!?!
At least Zep are sort of back together again, but in the Rolling Stone article I'm gnashin' my teeth because there was no mention or suggestion of them writing original music together again; have these guys nothing left in them? And I was hoping that even though Jason is 41, he could inject a bit of "new Zep" into the fold so that they might, just might, continue where they left off so many years ago. And yes let him be their drummer and if takes on a new sound, so be it, I'm all ears. And heck yeah, let Alison sing along with Zep too if it helps, I'm sure she can rock when the mood suits, after all, it ain't rocket science, but simply well-dated, hydrogen dirigible stuff, after all, guitars, bass, keyboards and drums weren't invented yesterday.