Ripping LPs to Hard Drive

I'm want to use Audacity to rip my records to hard drive, but I have a problem. The signal input level is too low. I have the "gain" slider in the Audacity program maxed out, and the gain level on the line input of my sound card is maxed as well. I was hoping to get signal levels to about -6db but the meters are topping out at about -24db. What can I do to give the input a bump?
Also - check the back of the Yammi for a switch that would change the level of the phono inputs. Some amps allow you to set the phono inputs to hi-level so you can use them as another auxiliary input if you are not using a turntable.
As a worst-case scenario, just record the signal as is and amplify it later with the Audacity built-in function. This might not be adviseable for such a weak signal (-24 dB), but I'm guessing that you will be able to find a way to at least get to around -10 dB by using some of the above suggestions.
Good luck

Danoroo, you got a lot of homework to do. I suggest you read everything on the subject you can find here on past conversations about the same subject.
Or, you can do what I did. Give up on computers and buy a stand-alone CD recorder. This might not fix your level issues, though. It sure fixed my computer issues. I use a Marantz pro-sumer recorder with pretty respectable results.