I was given a working Fisher 800C receiver from my father in law that he purchased new and had stored in his basement. It was running hot and had a few cosmetic blemishes so for my father in law I wanted to get it looking and running like new. I did some research and found a place called AEA Audio in the SF Bay Area, about 90 miles from my home. I called and spoke to man named Ken owner of AEA audio and he spoke a good game of everything he could do to restore it to new. I dropped it of to his home April 30th of 2017. He said he was backed up and moving so it would be about 3-4 months and would call me when he was beginning work on my unit. A very nice guy and showed me his home work shop and also had a business location about 15 minutes from his home. Everything seemed on the up and up. I have called him 5 times since dropping it off and he assured me it was safe and still in his shop but it was taking longer than expected due to his moving and it would be another 3 weeks at every call. I called him early December and told him I wanted to pick it up before Christmas regardless of weather or not the work was completed he said no problem he should have it done by then. I have called him three times since and no return call. I know I should have been more deligent in my hounding him but I travel so much for work I haven't had time to stay on top of it. What recourse do I have and how do I proceed. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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