RIP Eddie Van Halen. What was your first stereo you rocked to VH on?

Since their first album in ‘78, what was your “killer system” at the time that you rocked out with Van Halen first? Presumably Running With The Devil :) RIP Brother, you will be forever missed. 
I remember Van Halen, BTO, Pink Floyd and others, blasting, to my parents dismay, on my pioneer SX-535 receiver, project 80 speakers, and Sanyo Q25 direct drive turntable with ADC K8 cartridge. I still am using this turntable today. RIP Eddie, it was a groundbreaking time for rock and pop.
It was my first system, bought with paper route money. General electric quadraphonic w/8track. Got it at a discount at the company store because my dad worked there. I'm sure my dad regretted driving down to pick it up. Van Halen, Deep Purple and of course Pink Ployd. It had a joystick balance control which could be used to make the helicopter fly around the room.Eddie is one of those guys who will always be young talented and so damn cool in our minds. Think I'll go crank up eruption and annoy my kids
...Think I'll go crank up eruption and annoy my kids.

Best celebration of life comment yet, and we all can imagine a laugh and grin from Eddie on that one.  
I had just bought a Linn, my previous tt was Garrard Lab 80.  That played into a Ferrograph integrated amp and tall Cambridge R50 transmission line speakers.  Good English system.  I particularly liked the speakers.

In the early 80s I bought a used Simon Yorke Zarathustra and sold the Linn; even then Linn was becoming B grade.  I added Musical Fidelity's first product, the Pre-Amp and Krell's, the KSA 50.  I still have the iconic Krell but the build quality on the Pre-Amp killed it off and I replaced it with the also iconic Audio Research SP10.

Never did move much to Eddie VH but RIP in any case and meet some of the real giants from before in the band in the sky.