RIP Dave Wilson

Thank you for pushing the envelope,
Thank you for not leaving well enough alone!

Whether you are a fan or not of Wilson Audio speakers, the audio community lost a great designer this year. 

Showing 3 responses by marktomaras

@roberjerman please behave, we are paying tribute, not being rude. And by the way, if they are too expensive, you can do what I did, and buy an older pair used!
@roberjerman  nicely done. Far too many people on these forums don’t own up to their mistakes and allow (or force) conversations to get uncivilized.
Hey guys, we can all jump on someone who made an inappropriate, rude, or controversial comment.  I totally agree that people should behave in a civilized manner on the forums, and many do not.  However, the man who made the comment in question did add a thoughtful apology / retraction.  I think that is sufficient to cut him some slack.  Most people would not even do that, so I applaud the sincerity and the correction of a mistake.  Now if the rest of the forum using public would follow suit!  Anyway, no reason to pick on him further and distract from the topic of this thread.