Ringo Starr or Charlie Watts???

Charlie is rock solid, like clockwork. Ringo has a flair, more musical. Any thoughts? I myself have to go Ringo.

Showing 2 responses by tomryan

As Charlie has said himself, "I'm not really a very good drummer. My favorite Stones drum parts are on songs where I didn't play!"

Ringo has said, "I can keep time but since I'm self taught (usually a not-so-good thing) I can never do the same fill twice."

I'm convinced Watts cannot play the high-hat and snare at the same time. Don't think I've ever seen him do it. And since we're branching out a little, how about Mitch Mitchell? That Brit could PLAY!!

I think we all should admit Ringo is the most influential drummer of the last 50 years. Bonham had said he took up drums because of Ringo. I know I did along with every other drummer of my generation.
Mitch actually played harmonics and melody with his kit, at least for my ear.

Hey! Someone in this thread said that Buddy Rich could not read music. Is that true?