Ring Clamps. What do you think?

First let me say that I have not had the opportunity to hear a ring clamp. At a $1000 list price it is not a top priority. It would seem to me that the whole concept would be detrimental to good sound. Like an acoustic guitar, a record needs to breathe. Weight and air play a vital role. I do use a record clamp, wouldn't be caught dead without it, but a heavy metal ring laying on top of my album holding it down doesn't appeal to me. I could be wrong.

Showing 2 responses by dreadhead

Ever notice the interlocking joints on the pavement of a long bridge? The bridge needs to have some play or it will surely collapse. That's engineering, same as with the guitar.
If you believe movement and air have no place in turntable design that is certainly an opinion your welcome to have.
I would think a heavy metal deadening ring would do just that, deadening the sound.
When is enough enough?
Doug, I started the thread, why would I be trolling? If you read my original question you would have my seen my final comment,"I could be wrong". Vacuums weren't practical and went away, in my opinion outer ring clamps are a luxury, if not a fad.