Right channel phono stage tube goes noisy

I have a certain phono preamp, which shall remain nameless, that has exhibited a strange issue on the right channel. Of any brand new tested 6922 tube pair that I insert into the moving coil stage, the right channel plays quietly for about three hours, after which time I start hearing soft popping or crackling sounds that are audible from my listening chair. When I swap the left and right channel tubes, the noise goes to the left channel. Four good tubes have done this. The original MC tube played fine for about six months. I believe something in the circuitry is defective or has gone out of spec or otherwise has sort of failed and is maybe overdriving that tube. I sent the preamp to the dealer for repair. Some sort of modification was made but the problem was not fixed. They tested the first three tubes and they claim that they are fine. Has anyone 1) encountered such a problem, and 2) what was the fix? Was it simply a resistor or capacitor that had gone bad? 


Showing 3 responses by earthtones

“That’s Odd??? Self healing tubes? What happened when you tried the tubes they tested back in the phono preamp?”

They said the tubes tested fine. But I’m quite sure they didn’t listen to them in my preamp, which I had sent to them. So, yeah, I’m confused about that. So I’m stuck with four pairs with one in each pair that’s of course still noisy.

Thanks everyone, for the advice. The dealer is sending me a new replacement phono preamp, so I didn’t have time to try that left to right tube swap. But I will if it happens again. I was not aware of all the troubles with the 6922. I used to have a PS Audio BHK preamp that had them, which gave me no problems. I substituted a set of NOS Amperex 7308s, which were fine and that I would buy again, but in that unit, I had to flip a switch to change the bias voltage. I’ll have to find out if there’s any such compatibility issues with this unit, which doesn’t have that switch.

After having the brand new replacement phono stage on for about a day, incredibly, the right channel MC stage 6922 went popcorn noisy! This is the fifth time in a row! I swapped tubes, and as before, the noisy sound went to the left channel. For just a moment, put aside this specific case and consider flipping a coin five times and it lands on heads each time, or tails each time. The probability of that happening is only 3 percent. Now, take away from that whatever likelihood that a new tested tube goes noisy, say within 24 hours. Afterall, this is an electronic device and we're not expecting it to fail so soon. Further subtract that's it's just one side. I don't know what that chance is, but combined, it must be very low. But, it happened to me. Now, in spite of it being very tempting to more heavily favor the idea that there is a problem with this circuit design or execution (like a bad resistor or something else, such as the circuit design driving the tube too hard), and considering the advice I got above, especially from @atmasphere   and @mulveling , I must now give more weight to the idea that I simply got incredibly unlucky. That is because I took the left channel tube and put it in the right socket, and I took one from my good stash of growing 6922s of a different brand and stated specs and put it in the left side. I've had the unit on for a about a week straight, and... it's remained quiet! Also, the first time I had this issue, it wasn't untiI I owned the preamp for about six months that the right tube went noisy. Also, I can't find anyone else who has had this problem. One thing I'm tempted to conclude, though, is that all of these bad tubes of various brands came from the same vendor, who I wonder may not be testing them correctly. They're almost certainly not running each unit that is sold for say, a week straight to make sure it's still good. Going forward, since I desire a precisely matched pair, upon Andy Bowman's recommendation for a set of very tough and good sounding tubes, I've ordered a set of Matsushita 6922s. 

I'll be damned if that right side goes noisy again any time soon!

Furthermore, this all sounds like it may be an indictment of the 6922. But plenty of gear runs these tubes. My PS Audio BHK 600 pair is just one example. I haven't had any problems. Granted, this is in the driver stage of an amp, not a highly sensitive to noise MC gain stage.