Richard Wagner: Overtures on Amazon

Richard Wagner: Overtures on Mercury living presence cd. Just letting you know that I at first when looking on Amazon thought that this listing for $75.00 for the Mercury cd used was the price for the lp, but oh how wrong I was.There were two for sale the second offering was for the cd again but the price was more than double 174.00 for a cd oh I forgot the listing is for a shrink wrapped one. I would think that anyone that would a by a Mercury cd for this price really needs a head examination fast and quick. Anyone of my fellow Audiogon members ever see something like this that quickly turned your head.

Showing 1 response by steveott

Your post reminds me of searching for a certain Brahms Piano Quintet CD. I googled and one showed up on Amazon, used, from a private seller. I can't remember the exact price, but remember it was nearer 200.00 than 100.00. The recording comes highly recommeded, but, alas, will have to wait.

Steve O.