Richard Gray's 400 Pro = Emperor's New Clothes??

Category: Accessories

I just purchased (for $800) a Richard Gray's Power Company 400 Pro. I was not in the market for an AC filter, but when I purchased a new system the dealer gave me a hard, hard sell, promising wonders. This is a reputable dealer, so I trusted him, and he gave me a week to try it out. After using the device for a week, and after ensuring the new system (all Rotel with a Rega TT) was broken in, I followed the manufacturer's instructions to demonstrate the effectiveness of the device (ie. plug the decide into a jack on the circuit and all other components into a power strip) then pulled the plug on the 400. Nothing. Despite trying a variety of source material, I could not hear ANY difference with the 400 in or out. I do not have a tin ear and have been able to discern differences with various interconnects, etc., but this device registered no change whatsoever. I'm returning it to the dealer today. Anyone else have a similar experience? Views?

Showing 2 responses by jc51373

This is an interesting thread to me...Since buying one of Alberts' outlets, and installing a dedicated 20a for my amp it has caused me to question all my efforts for conditioning etc. I personally own an RGPC and at this point I consider it nothing more than a boat anchor. I would second AP's overall point here, which is the real results can be achieved at the source much more effectively than through some metal box. Up to this point in my audio career I hadn't dedicated a cicuit, and since doing so, I am very happy with how quiet it is. Before, shared ground, lots of dirty noise, ground loops etc.

I personally am at a crossroads, and I am going to attack the problem of power once I get my new speakers. I will most likely sell my RGPC 600, shortly after I A/B the system, with it, and without it. I fairly certain I will hear no difference, since there is no shared ground on this circuit anymore. I may look for more ways to improve at the source rather than buy another PC. Any suggestions appreciated.
I called my electric company and asked about ways to improve it at the source and they had no idea what I was asking.