Ribbons. Electrostatics. Planar speakers. Confusio

I'm not sure that I understand the difference between one and the other and the other. Some years ago, I owned a pair of Apogee Centaur Minors and then later a pair of Apogee Stages. I've heard (but not owned) Martin-Logans. I've not heard these things called Quads (and others?) of their ilk. I presently own a pair of B&W 805 Signatures, which I do quite enjoy -- at medium to higher volume levels. But I miss a little something, especially at lower listening levels from the days when I had some Apogees in my world -- and in my living room. If I were hoping for a bit of late night, low-level fun again -- as I'm sure my neighbors would wish -- do I want ribbons again? Or planars? Or (whatever they ar) electrostatics? I obviously don't understand all the stuff that you good folk do. So I'l ask this, too: Could it be my passive "preamp" that makes listening at low levels so, um, dull? Is there a more normal speaker -- a non-esoteric model -- that might work for enjoying Steely Dan in an apartment at midnight without waking the neighbors? Or for at least enjoying Steely Dan, the neighbors be (Steely ) Danned? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by ngjockey

Resistor based passives present a high impedance to the source at lower volumes. TVC based passives work differently (better, IMO) but are still not ideal loads and require sources of low output impedance (less than 500 ohms). A mismatch in impedance will result in muffled dynamics and would sound bland.

I love my planars but they're not great at low volumes.