Ribbon tweeters/speakers recommendations Please

I have a friend who is interested in buying a pair speakers that either use a ribbon tweeter or ribbon panel like Apogees. He heard the Bohlender-Graebener Radia loudspeakers at the show and is looking for alternatives. Budget is $4000 new and floor standers only; no stand mounted monitors.

Thanks in advance,
Ribbon or planar magnetic high frequency drivers show up in models from Newform Research, VMPS, Bohlender-Graebener, Selah Audio, Soundline Audio, Genesis, Eminent Technology, Ambience, Jupiter Audio, and Magnepan.

I'm sure there are others, but this ought to do for starters.
He must consider the VMPS RM30, which use ribbon tweeters and planar midrange drivers (3 midrange per speaker). Great sounding speakers.
Tell him to Run, don't walk to his nearest Maggie dealer, pony up another 700 clams to add to his 4Gs, buy the 3.6 and don't look back!! ENJOY!!!
Let me clarify; he is looking for speakers that use ribbon tweeters, not full size panels. So, this rules out Magnapan and the big Martin-Logans. The full size panels will not work in his room (WAF).

Speakers he is considering so far include the baby Martin-Logans that use a small ribbon tweeter and the Aurums.

Please keep the suggestions coming.
