Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?

Showing 3 responses by denon1

I would like to raise a question, of course not all 10k cables a scam, but let’s pick for example purist dominus speaker cables. Purist just released new revision and 1,5m of the dominus model will retail for $12,500. Or latest V12 version of Stealth dream is about $12k for 2 meters, or Siltech royal line cost like half of my car.
I understand the R&D and some marketing need to be financed, but these companies don’t have multimillion research labs and personnel.
How much those cables actually cost to make? The same goes to speakers. Like Sonus Faber, Marten, Tidal and many others.

Could not agree more.
Those tactics to market the audio product are killing audio itself. Most of the newer generation will never spend even remotley close amounts of moeny on this kind of things. they are raised on IPOd sounds.
But I guess who cares about future.
Bo1972, can you list the system includng all cables and tweeks) that took the absolute sound of the show and what show you are reffering to? Thanks you