Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?

Showing 5 responses by audiolabyrinth

Hi Everyone, My findings over the last two years of meeting people that are audiogon members that will not talk on the forums because of the caliber of equipment they have, most others slam them, so they do not talk, and there is members that talk that has esoteric exspensive cables, what I am saying, The 1% is actually much higher,I have my opinion based on my exsperience, The number of owners of the caliber of cables this thread is about is more like 30% out of a 100%, the true 1% is the audiophiles that have, what I call, stupid money, they have $53,000.00 retail 8-ft speaker cables and etc..., I have also witnessed that there is a huge difference with such cables and $10,000.00 8-ft speaker cables, There is a huge difference between $26,000.00 8-ft speaker cables and the $10,000.00 8-ft speaker cables as well, no, unless I was Bill Gates, I would never indulge in the $53,000.00 speaker cables, first off, nobody really pays full retail anyway, I do not!, the $26,000.00 8-ft speaker cables is my range, No, I do not pay that at all!, and it is not bling for me, very good cables have proved to be one of the biggest improvements to my systems over the years, my conclusion is that cables are a major componet in the system to, I have done many exsperiments at stores, and with friends the importance of cables, cheers.
@ TbG, See, I told you others that do not have the caliber of cables and equipment of the best available will bash you, regardless of their, so called fanatical, I am right, and you are wrong mentality!, They , believe me, Have NEVER have had the exsperience with the cables you have or I have,Welcome to the club TBG, tune all others out!, LOL!, case closed!
@ TBG, I am supprised to see you are still talking here on the thread you created after Bo1972 hit the thread, I like Bo, But he does tend to over whelm you with his ideas of repeating them over and over, good luck, btw, great topic TBG.
@ Jmcgrogan2, I would ignore Judyazblues as I do, he has nothing better to do than to make remarks that mean nothing but his own entertainment!
@ TBG, Hi, Your 6-1-14 post to me made me fall out of my chair laughing!, That was over the top funny, Thankyou, In the world of audio, I need a good laugh to keep my sanity in this hobby of ours, cheers TBG.