Reviewing the Reviewers

Check out and follow go to the "Audio Critique" page, and then to "Reviewing the Reviewers" page.

This site is run by a man named Arthur Salvatore. He has written much about all aspects of audio on his site...his recommended components, his recommended recordings, his store, etc. He writes like a lawyer, but it seems like he actually has integrity...he must not be a lawyer. :-) Seriously...anyone interested in a point by point analysis of modern audio reviews should check out this site. He's analyzed many reviews and developed his own list of "rules" that most reviews tend to follow (and he's dead-on)...usually because the writer doesn't want to say anything negative about any particular sponsor's (or buddy's) product.

He received an angry letter from Michael Fremer. The letter and his analysis are included on the site. It makes for a long read, but it can be fascinating.'s information than every audio joe (or jane) should be aware of when they read any review...especially when they're planning on pruchasing a product highlighted by a particular review.

If you want to see textbook examples of his "rules" put into practice, just check out any Soundstage review written by Marc Mickelson.


Showing 1 response by sqjudge

Thanks Kubla for introducing me to this thread. I believe that most audiophiles are very passionate. It is this passion that drives use to spend dollars and hours in pursuit of the magical illusion of a live concert. It is easy for me to see Trelja's passion in his writing. I can agree that he can cut very deep with his words. I have a technical background and have often fallen short with supporting arguments for my opinions. I just state the facts (as I see them) and the listener is expected to understand why I formed the opinion. I try to remember that this is a very wide audience and attempt to modify my usual blunt style. We are all human and fully capable of making errors. I forgive Trelja for his direct nature. I truly hope that he continues to share his ideas with all of us. I will sorely miss his "this is how I heard it" commentary. He sort of reminds me of Howard Cosell.