Review: Virtual Dynamics David series Power cord Power cord

Category: Cables

This cord was purchased solely for the use on my Meridian cd player. I wanted to experiment without line conditioning. I know use only 4 direct lines. I listen to mostly Piano jazz and Jazz combos and female Jazz singers such as Karen Allison, Jacintha ,Patricia Barber and Tierney Sutten seem to be the ones that get the most playing time.I enjoy detail and smoothness,but balance and purity are my major focus.
Originaly I was looking to try to find an affordable used power cord and the V.D Nite mk1 cord was one I was very interested in.I phoned and spoke with Rick at Vitual Dynamics and he asked if i'd would be interested in a new David series p/cord to try before exploring the used market. I agreed and 10 days later I recieved my new p/cord.
Out of the bag this cord was quite boring and I must say I wasn't really sure I made the right choice,but being that not long ago I went through almost the same experiance with the purchase of new i/cs and sp.cable, that burn in time definatley taught me a lesson. Generaly I get about and hour or so each day to do my listening and on or around the 4th or 5th day,this cord truly opened up.I was hoping to pick up a little performance all around but wasn't prepared for what one power cord on a cd player could do. Bass energy was improved a touch, but has much better definition. The midrange is like its reaching out to touch you. The highs are smooth as silk. When I heard Karen Allison sing on her Ballads album ( tribute to J.Coltrane )tears were coming down my face. This cord managed to scratch out improvements in the whole spectrom of sound in my system. The purity is nothing short of incredible. I was told that this cord would allow my system to operate at its fullest performance.I wasn't sure then but I am now. I find if very hard to believe this is only in the midrange of there lineup...

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Showing 1 response by brianmgrarcom

Hi Thorman, I went through the identical process about a month ago, even considering a Nite Version I; after talking with Rick I too purchased a David PC. All my experience again was identical to yours, even questioning the PC the first few days. The final results mimic yours and I too am vey pleased. It was interesting reading your review because your experience was so exact to mine.