Review: Tube Research Labs Dude Tube preamp

Category: Preamps

This review is on the Dude tube preamp made by Paul and Brian Weitzel of Tube Research Labs (TRL). I purchased this preamp some 7 months ago direct from TRL which is how they market and sell them. The price is $3500. The unit has 5 tubes total with one 6sn7 tube per channel.

I am not a technical person and can only comment that the unit is very heavy, all point to point wired and contains a forest of caps the size of Red Bull and Coke cans!

The Dude also benefits from TRL’s newly designed power supply which is something very special indeed. It comes with two sets of outputs and three inputs – all RCA. I think Paul can work out XLR’s if you desire, but you would have to ask him. My unit has special wooden knobs which I prefer over his high quality gold ones.

The unit is turned on by a breaker switch on the back on the unit. The Dude does not incorporate any fuses, simply the breaker, for improved sound. The chassis is well built and solid in terms of fit and finish. While it is not eye candy, the Dude offers a simple attractiveness.

I must have over 700 hours on my unit by now and it is fully burned it. I have found this preamp responds very well to tube rolling. This review is based on the use of RCA 6sn7 GT’s ,VT231 with smoked glass. I picked up 6 of these for $130 on Ebay and just love them in the Dude. Paul likes Raytheon NOS’s, but I have not tried them as yet.

I like female vocals, Christian contemporary, jazz, piano and acoustic guitar instrumentals as well as some small ensemble Classical. You can also read my review of the TRL Samson amps for more information of my musical tastes.

As you have noticed I have owned and heard many great preamps over the years. The Dude has far outclassed each of them in virtually every important performance area. I particularly liked the Audio Horizons and Tube Distinctions preamps on my list. The Dude simply recreates real music in my home well beyond these other fine units.

The level of transparency is utterly shocking. Details and musical lines previously hidden now come alive and my music sounds brand new to me. I was amazed at all the instruments and notes I was missing in my recordings. What a revelation and joy to me as one into this hobby for 30 years.

Right now I am listening to solo acoustic guitar by Phil Keaggy and am consistently astounded with the additional pic, string and guitar body sounds completely hidden before. The sting plucks are so much more distinctive with every molecule of nuance presented to my senses. This is true at even the lowest of volumes on my system. Magic my friends and I mean magic!

I have never known any preamp to dig as deep, taunt and powerful in the bass region as the Dude. Bass has incredible impact, drive and articulation. Easily the best bass I have yet to encounter in a preamp. This tube preamp will shatter your preconceptions of tube preamp bass performance. Bass is no longer this vague sort of deep running tone, but rather a distinct and articulate portion of the whole performance.

Tonality is so beautiful and right. Not a hint of listener fatigue to be found. The massive amount of detail is delivered with exquisite beauty, body and soul. Don’t we all want that? The Dude does both in a way I felt was not even attainable. Tonality is vitally important to me. Voices have weight when they should. Like the guitar work nuances mentioned above the human voice is rendered absolutely and completely naked before you. You will hear aspects of your favorite vocalist you have never heard before. More air, more texture, more nuance, more personality – just amazing.

The Dude sets the stage big, wide and deep. First time I have heard stage depth so profoundly obvious. I now get a sense of what some reviewers mean by 3D! Life sized performance is a consistent attribute of the music flowing from this preamp.

I like to listen to very loud music at times. I like the live scale it gives the recording. The Dude is always in control and supremely poised. Nothing, no part of the audio spectrum is ever out of balance or forced. I hear a new standard of performance in terms of effortless, uncompressed music.

My system seems to have infinite room filling abilities. This is very, very important to me. Even at very loud settings music must flow not attack! The Dude is a complete gentleman in this regard.

Highs seem to have no ceiling or cap as they extend smoothly and without any hint of hardness. I am very sensitive to bright or hard highs and will quickly box up a unit if I hear a trace of it. Yikes! The Dude is a smooth operator and does so without robbing music of the precious detail and air we desire.

Well, I could go on much longer as the Dude is a revelation to me. It is the heart and soul of my current system and really makes everything sound so real and right.

I hope my words were able to convey what I experience with The Dude.

Have fun!

Associated gear
Please see my member system.

PBN Montana EPX custom speakers
TRL Modified Sony CD player/battery
TRL Samson amps
Audio Horizons cable
TRL Cables
Star Sound Sistrum stands
Echo Buster room treatments
SVS PB 12 Plus/2

Similar products
I have owned or had these preamps in my home system.

Audio Horizons TP2.1 fully loaded
Joule LA100 MKIII
Conrad Johnson LS16 V2
Thor 1000 MK2
Tom Evans Vibe
Supratek Cortese
Supratek Syrah
Audio Note m5
Wavac PR-X1
Rowland Concerto
Cary SLP98
Aesthetix Calypso
Tube Distinctions SoulMate
Placette passive
Wright Sound WLA 12A
Aloia 11.01
Belles 21A
Rogue 99

Showing 20 responses by gallant_diva

Dart6 and Agear: I am a cool customer, albeit a cool and patient listener. I do not have the ability to make fast a/b/a comparisons, nor do I believe in making such conclusions. When I test a new audio product, I have to live with it for a significantly long period of time in order to make a determination how it fares in my system and to my taste. Thus, the Dude had to be given ample time for testing.

I am writing a detailed comaprison report and will post it soon on my system thread.
I got the Dude 5 days ago. It is in my system now and breaking in.

Recall my reviews on "Possibly World's best pre-amp"

I was not keen on trying any new pre-amp given my satisfaction with Charlie's X-2 pre-amp (the X-2 had replaced Lamm reference pre-amp priced at $14k) but Paul convinced me to try the Dude. So I thought it won't hurt.

For me Charlie's X-2 pre-amp was the ultimate pre-amp, a reference and end of my journey in pursuit of the best pre-amp. I own TRL GT-800 amp and Paul's moded CD Player (I have 2, just in case in breaks down). So as much as I have respect and trust in Paul's abilities, his Dude is up against its ultimate challenge.

So folks, this is gonna be the final match of "Ultimate Fighters Championship" or "Heavy Weight Championship of the World" or F1 racing.

I will be an absolutely honest referee and a relentless judge with no bias to my Charlie or Paul. I may have to eat my own word that the X-2 would be my last pre-amp, or I may offend Paul. But I will keep my integrity as top priority and which pre-amp pleases me more.

So stay tuned folks.....I wil be back....soon... with my review and verdict.

I am listening to the Dude and it is taking my breath away but the question is how does it compare to my reference pre-amp. See my thread in preamp reviews, entitled "Possibly the best pre-amp one can have"

which defeated the LAMM Reference pre-amp.

For that I will need at least a month of listening before reaching a verdict and it is unlikely that I will have enough listening sesssion in the coming year so it will be a while.

Here is my review of the Dude and its comparison with Charlie's X-2 preamp. I posted it on my system but also writing it here.

I used to be a brand name guy longtime ago but not any more. None of my audio gear is Stereophile reviewed. My speakers, the Apogee Fullrange, were never reviewed. The smaller Apogee Diva was a Stereophile Class ‘A’ component. After having lived several Divas, it is safe to say the Fullrange walks over the Diva, making the class rating irrelevant. My CD player, TRL moded Sony, replaced my Meridian Reference player and was never reviewed, at least not to my knowledge. The amp, TRL GT-800, was never reviewed either but for me it is the final frontier in amps. The cables, by Element Cables, are beginning to get reviewed but I discovered them long ago at my own. They are so cheap too. Then I found the X-2 pre-amp, just through sheer coincidence.

This is similar to my taste in clothes. My suits are custom-made, mostly in Hong Kong, made without a brand name but with fine fabric and tailoring craftsmanship, and most importantly at 3-5 times lower price. A salesman at a big name clothing store that I happen to know was keen to see custom-made suits, so I took one with me. The quality of the fabric and finishing was enough to make his and his colleagues eyes pop out -- I did not even have to tell them the price. Big brand names carry a lot of psychological advantage which is usually factored into the price. And for some people, higher price tags unconsciously make an item superior. Not trying to be snobbish here. Drawing a parallel between clothes (substitute here your favorite collections) and audio, I am trying to say that I spend my hard-earned money (especially these days) very carefully and I do so for the value rather than the brand. I am not a brand guy. That does not make all big brands junk to my eyes and ears but the brand name alone will not be able to convince me. When it comes to audio, my only criterion is sound quality tested by me and not if it has is a big brand. The Dude is bit like a custom-made outfit with finest components and craftsmanship. But it had to convince me on what it is supposed to do: Its sound quality and nothing else.

Pual Weitzel believes in a very extended time period for break-in. Therefore, I had to give the Dude at least two months. Paul was right, the Dude sound improved a hell of a lot over this period, changing rapidly in the first week and then steadily until now. I have high regards for Paul who strikes me as man with very high audio IQ (his business IQ is another story though). So far whatever he has said about anything in audio (amp, CD player, components, crossovers, drivers, woofers, tweeters, caps, inductors, etc.) he has always been right so far and whatever he has produced has been a sheer master piece. Yet, I believe more in my own listening than I trust anyone else’s opinion. This overrides my good relationship with Paul who has been always very nice and generous. I find his service to be honest and caring although he can be slow in fulfilling his promises. But I should mention that I first discovered Paul’s products and then Paul himself, not the other way round. Thus, when Paul told me about the Dude, I politely declined. So satisfied was I with Charlie’s X-2 preamp that the idea of getting the Dude did not come to my mind even though I heard good things about it. But then people say good things about several things anyway. I do not have to try everything good out there, did I? But when Paul offered to lend me his Dude, I accepted. How could it hurt?

But the Dude was up against the giant, the Charlie X-2. There is no snake oil in Charlie’s X-2 Its fantastic sound can be attributed to the extremely robust and regulated power supply benefitting from Charlie’s decades of experience and the video op-amp based topology inspired by research papers published in Audio Amateur magazine At the same time, I did not doubt that the Dude would be a good preamp. If Paul can design an amp like the GT-800, he *can* also design a great pre-amp. Thus, the main question was how it would compare to the X-2, and would I consider buying it. This may not be too irrelevant of a question for other people including those reading this forum because the Dude is against something which I consider to be supremely good and possibly an ultimate pre-amp with almost zero distortion, flattest frequency response and sheer transparency, resolution, and dynamics.

Since the X-2 was a winner over the Lamm L2 (the Lamm was sweeter on human voice though, because of its FET coloration but considerably shy in bass and dynamics), and swiftly knocked down several contenders such as the Conrad Johnson 17LS, Audio Valve Aclipse, BAT VK-51, Sim Audio Moon, etc. Recently, I lent the X-2 (I own two versions of it) to a friend who has the Audio Valve Aclipse. This friend who is a serious audiophile with extensive knowledge and good ears was stunned at the difference that he heard. He called me the next day and all he could say was “what have you done to my system and me?” The point of all this is that if the Dude can outperform the X-2 then by induction it has to be better than the other competitors that the X-2 has beaten. Thus, the relative comparison with the X-2 is important, which also raises another question, that is, if anything in X-2 can be bettered and furthermore if the Dude can do so.

The Due is well made. I really like its case as well as its knobs, on/off switch, and overall finishing. It does not come with any remote but I do not care about that. It just adds to the cost and most serious listeners think a remote control circuitry can degrade the sound. I should mention that the resolution and transparency of my system is to a point of saturation where further improvements are unlikely And so is the acoustic of my listening room that I have tuned to my liking after extensive experimentation. The system is astonishing revealing and I am so familiar with its sound that I can blindly tell even a fly is sitting on my speaker cables (figuratively speaking because no insects are not allowed in my listening room).

Well, now on to the comparison. The comparison between the Dude and X-2 was extensive, lasting more than a month. They competition was stiff, much closer than I thought even thought I must say I did not know what to expect. In fact, I started with a clear head without any presumption but expected to make a conclusion fast. Over a period of one month, I switched them several times and listened very carefully for a variety of music. I was very watchfully observing their characteristics such as resolution, transparency, bass, midrange, highs, dynamics, soundstage, depth, and imaging.

The two pre-amps sound different, which is a bit of surprise because if they are both neutral, which they both claim and are supposed to be, then they should sound the same. But they do not. That means one of them or both are not neutral, or there is no such thing as neutral sound. Yet they both sound fantastic, so much so that I do not miss the Dude if I am listening to the X-2 and vice versa. And even more interesting is that fact I cannot let either one go. They both are just fabulous. As I listened on, I began to appreciate how great the Dude was since I was very familiar with the X-2 sound. But I still had to keep the fundamental question in mind, that is which one is the winner. I could not find the answer to that question, with my opinion switching after every listening session. As I listened more, I appreciated the qualities of both of them and found it increasingly more difficult to pick one. In fact, I thought the match was a draw. And what about any weaknesses or areas of improve? To answer that we have to examine in details how the Dude and X-2 performed in different areas of sound.

The Dude’s mains strengths are its prodigious bass, dynamics, and width of the soundstage. The Dude does not sound “bass-heavy” and nor does the X-2 sound “bass light”. It is just that the bass in the Dude has more weight while being clean. Furthermore, the Dude bass is very musical and powerful, making the orchestral music more dramatic. The soundstage produced by the Dude is about 10% wider than the X-2 but the X-2 has better central imaging. The treble of the Dude is full and lush and not recessed or rolled off even though the X-2 has more prominent highs.

The Dude outperforms the X-2 in these areas, not the latter is a slouch by any measure, and vice versa. The resolution and details are identical in the two pre-amps. The X-2 is a bit more extended in the highs. The X-2 is also more transparent. But again, when I say one is better than the other in a certain area, I do not mean the other one is lacking anything. The Dude has w wider soundstage and bit more 3D effect. But the “touch effect” (you feel you can touch the singer or instrument) is more prominent in the X-2.

Overall, it is extremely difficult to choose the winner and the match seems to be a draw. This may sound like a political statement but it is not. Now if you threaten to shoot me unless I pick one winner then I would have to say it is the X-2. The reasons are: more extended highs of the X-2 and its ability to drive long cables, and that the Dude runs out of steam at very high volume (which is due to my 25 feet long interconnects and will not be problem in other systems). I made this observation after a month because I do not usually listen to very high volume at good volumes, I never noticed this – in fact, the Dude was a bit more dynamic than the X-2. I also want a bit more midrange and greater transparency from the Dude. Thus, there is a little room for improvement in the Dude while there is nothing I can do to improve the X-2. About 6 months ago, Charlie did add an option FET stage in the X-2 to make its midrange sweeter but it took away the other magic and I rejected that mod. In summary, if the X-2 is 99/100, the Dude is 98/100. But this does not end here. I have had long discussions with Paul about the potential improvements I have sent the Dude back to Paul to improve its power supply, output current level to overcome long cables at high volume, and higher quality tubes to have a bit more extended midrange and highs. These mods will cost extra.

Of course, there will be still room for improvement through tube rolling. In the comparison, the Dude is also getting an unfair disadvantage because I already have a preamp that I like very much and the replacement if any has to be better not just equal. Otherwise, I see no reason to spend money. So the fact that I have purchased the Dude is an indicative of my confidence in it.

The verdict though marginally in favor of the X-2 is not so firm though and definitely not final. I lent the Dude and X-2 to the guy (I mentioned above) who was overwhelmed with the X-2. He tells me that even though he was astonished with the X-2, the Dude is even better in his system. That also makes sense. In audio it is all about component matching.

When the Dude returns from Paul with additioal improvements, I expect it to return with a vengeance. It is very capable of beating the X-2 and it might. We will see. But one thing is certain: both the Dude and X-2 deliver absolutely the very best one can expect from a pre-amp. Since the X-2 is no longer made and Charlie has disappointed more than 50 interested people (clearly, his business IQ is extremely low), and I personally apologize to all of them, the Dude is an uncrowned king of pre-amps at least in my audio realm. You do not need to spend mega bucks on big brand names. The Dude will be better, I can confidently bet on it. If Paul’s Tube Research Labs were an established big name in audio and the Dude would carry a price tag of $30,000, I wonder in what category audio magazines would place it. A+ or A++?
Rx8man: Thanks. Yes to the magazines being an entertainment. But the real entertainment is audiophile themselves who go by these ratings and by "the higher the price of a cable, the bettery" I rather spend my time watching a standup comedy. Here is a recommendation: Croocked Finger by David Crowe.

Yes, the X-2 is an SS.
Agear: I agree with on audio mystics. Paul is an audio mystic or may be an audio saint or a sufi. Sometimes I imagine Paul sitting like a Bhudha and meditating about new mods, hahaha.
My arsenal of isolation devices include: mapleshade wooden blocks (someoen gave them to me as gift), some kind of blocks made from rubebr and wood (give to me by paul) and a set of solid metal spikes with plates to hold them.

I have tried them all and honestly I do not hear any difference. May be they all are good or may be they do not make any difference.

My power chord (which *does* make a difference) is the Red Storm made by Element Cable. It has been my best pre-amp and CD player cable so far and I prefer it over the 10 times more expensive Shunyata. You can guess the price of he Red Storm. It was $70. I do not know if he still makes it.
My Dude with additional mods and optimization has been back. I am still comapring it with Charlie's X-2 and it seems like the improved Dude is having an edge...... more later.

But I dare say that the Dude as a product must be declared "Find of the Decade" This pre-amp is damn good. Its soundstage is just marvellous. On orchestral music, all instrumenst are precisely placed in a 3D holographic space. And vocals? The singer is right there to be touched. It is gloriously spectacular and breath taking sound. The challenge is really where can one find its faults? In bass? Nay. In midrange? Nay. In highs? Nay. In imaging? Nay. In toonal balance? Nay. In transparency? Nay. There just isn't any!

I pitty those who reject it without listening to it. They will never learn and will go in cycles of trying same expensive brand name crap over and over and will remain deprived of the good sound. What a pity.
The dude is the king. My Dude, with all upgrades (additional tubes, more robust power supply and other tweaks) now outperforms the X-2. It is amazingly good. What a product!!!!!

Dude is the undisputed kind and the name of the pre-amp King is Dude,without question.
Actually, my opnion of the Dude is not for a certain price range but at any price. Comapre it to a hypothetical $100k preamp and I would safely bet my money on the Dude.
Paul recommends a lot of break-in for a new Dude before it sounds good. I agree with that but what I discover is that even if shut it down for a log time, it takes 2-3 days to fully break-in again. It is quite amazing.

Another things I noticed is that while the Dude is an all-rounder pre-amp excelling in every audio aspect, its base is simply awesome and by that I do not mean more bass, but the quality as well as the right quantity. It is not a "bass-heavy" pre-amp but its bass is something that I have not heard in any pre-amp. Simply outstanding would be right word to describe it.
Over the years I learned one thing: It is useless to try to teach people that there is a great product available. Even when items like Dude are clearly superior, some people just won't agree (here I am not referring to any poster here but talking about some of the morons I have met recently in real-life). In direct comparison with Charlie's X-2 ( my best pre-amp before the Dude; both are very very close, with Dude being my marginal preference) as well as the Dude. Both the X-2 and Dude blew away some of the commercial pre-amps (I do not want to name them here because their ownsers get offended as if their manhood is being challenged).

So I ask myself: Who am I to teach? Why should I insist even when in direct comparison the Dude is obviously and overwhelmingly better (even admitted by the owners of the other pre-amps). Let them enjoy inferiors sound that they have. But one cannot stop wondering why these people, even after listening to it and admitting it is better, would still go after junk and more expensive pre-amps instead of the Dude. May be it is the pride of ownership or the pride of making one’s own decision (even when it is wrong) which takes precedence over the sound, or may be sound is not their priority but other factors are, or may be they are just morons. But since even morons have the right to make their own decisions, I do not insist. And that is fine as that is all this hobby is all about. So keep enjoying your poor sound, morons, hahahha

Sorry for my little whining but I need to breathe it out too sometime.
Rx8man: You are right. But it also depends on the preacher. I am a bad preacher, because I get to the point quickly.

You are correct about that comment made by me (see, that is another example of me being a bad preacher). It was not my intention to offend him but no matter how olitically correct you express it, if the other guy is gonna be pissed off then he will be pissed off. After that, the firework was hard to stop.

Thank you for the kind offer. I would have loved to attend the RMAF but my work schedule does not permit me to do that. I and some other buddies from Texas plan to attend the CES though. Can we catch up then?
"BTW, I'm a bad preacher too, but so what, we're happy"

I believe if you want good sound, you have to be a good learner. I believe I am an excellent learner in my hobby and that is why I have a good sound.

Muralman is preacher and not a learner. Personally, I like the guy but have never learned anything from his posts.

You are correct about that comment made by me (see, that is another example of me being a bad preacher). It was not my intention to offend him but no matter how olitically correct you express it, if the other guy is gonna be pissed off then he will be pissed off. After that, the firework was hard to stop.

Thank you for the kind offer. I would have loved to attend the RMAF but my work schedule does not permit me to do that. I and some other buddies from Texas plan to attend the CES though. Can we catch up then?
Hello dudes, I mean the owners of the Dude, hope you are enjoying your Dude and sharing your thoughts with other dudes. There are so many duded who do not even know how good the Dude is. But, hey dude, that is life, so who cares.

After several months of tube rolling, what i discovered is the following: nothing.... except that you need to find your own tube that matches your system. Wow, is that a surprise? Nope, but it is also logical. Every system is different with different synergy between components. The Dude with stock tubes sounds great but if you want your it better *in your system* then you need your own tube rolling. I followed Paul's advice and some of the suggestions posted here but they did not work for me. For me the best tube is 5691. It gives my across the board frequency response that works great in my system, especially the highs.