I've tried the class A setup with a mix of 34s and 88s, but wanted to hear how they would sound with all 34s, so last night i made the switch. Gotta admit, i couldn't really tell the difference. The bottom was maybe a little softer (very subjective here), but better than the non-class a setup for sure. The mids and highs were very similar to the mixed tube setup, that is too say lush, airy and right on. At low volumes it was almost hypnotic; the definition and mids were that good. Most of my listening was on vinyl; genre was classic rock, blues & jazz. Overall, I think I like the all 88 setup best (albeit without the class A bias), but that could be because it was such a jump from the stock 34s at the time. I guess what impressed me most about the all 88 setup (too much tube rolling can be a bad thing) were the dynamics and balance of highs and lows. However, I do like the class A setup, and will stick with all EL34s (mids are the best) for now until I can afford (and my wife lets me) purchase 88 Pentas, or dare I dream, a quad of Telefunken or Genelax Gold Lions. Yeah, I got the bug.
PRE-AMP: TAD-150 Signature
SPEAKERS: Onix Ref 3
SUB: Rocket UFW-12