Review: Threshold FET Two Preamplifier

Category: Preamps

The Threshold FET 2 was produced in 1980 along with the FET 1. The FET 1 was a $2,200.00 preamp and the FET 2 was at about $1,100.00 at the time. A less costly alternative to the FET 1.

Both were produced to replace the Threshold SL10 preamp. The FET 1 and FET 2 were produced until 1985 until the Series II versions of the same preamps came out.

This review will deal with the FET 2 original version. The picture shows this one with the optional rack mount flange.

The FET 2 has 4 inputs,turntable,tuner,aux 1,aux 2 and one tape loop. One set of pre outs. Can accomodate MM or MC phono cartridges. Build quality is in keeping with the Threshold tradition, which became their benchmark.No on/off switch,it is designed to be powered at all times.Four control knobs from Left to right. Input Selector,Tape Monitor, Balance and Volume. Plus LED power on light above the Threshold name plate. Back panel equipped with tiffany RCA connectors. Uses an IEC socket, so you can use power cord of your choice.

I used this preamp for years before moving onto the Forte 40p preamp.

The Threshold SL10 was and remains a very fine preamp. Its replacements the FET 1 and FET 2 in my opinion did not live up to the standard of the SL10. This not to say they were not musical or lacking in features or signature. I just felt the SL10 was a cut above, due to its outboard power supply, which the FET 1 and FET 2 does not have.

The FET 2 is a solid performer with the typical sonic signature of Threshold. The FET 2 I had I used for about 3 years and always found it to deliver the music with solid rendering of whatever program material it was sourced to. The phono section was exceptional and could easily handle the most complex passages with ease. It has the ability to handle MM or MC cartridges, but did not have the flexibility of setting ohm loads or capicitance of the later models. Main reason I moved on from this, is that I needed at the time additional inputs. But sonically it is very hard to fault the Threshold FET 2 preamp. In fact the FET 2 has held its value more than the FET 1. Used the FET 2 goes for about $300.00, while the FET 1 goes for about $400.00.

In conclusion if looking for a solid performer and your system does not require more than 4 inputs, it would be very hard to do better than the FET 2. The FET 2 is seldom seen for sale in the secondary market and that speaks very well of the FET 2. Audiophiles that have them just do not part with them. Testament to the enduring value the Threshold FET 2 has in the audiophile community. One could do seriously worse by passing by a FET 2, when one becomes available.

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