Review: Sunfire Sunfire 300 Amplifier

Category: Amplifiers

For the past several years I have enjoyed my Definitive Technology BP 20s with first twin monoblocked Sumo Ploaris III amps (they would rate in the 450 Watt range under the Definitive 6 ohm load) and next with an older Spectral 100 WPC amplification. The Spectral product though by specification was vastly inferior blew the doors off of the Sumo products. Recently I had need to move my Spectral amp to another location. In this vacuum I inserted the Sunfire. I have never been more amazed! This amp again leaves the Sumos in the dust but keeps up with and in beats even the Spectral in some areas. It is nearly as fast as the Spectral far more musical and never ever under any strain clips or loses control. I have not reached the boundries of this amp. It never gets hot, looks great (wife likes it?!) and sounds great. It projects an amazingly deep, wide and tall sound stage far byond that of the Spectral. For this kind of money nothing I have ever heard aproaches it. Actually I have rarely heard far more expensive amps that compete. You cannot go wrong picking up a product like this from Bob Carver's Sunfire corporation! I have only one real complaint. The rear binding posts are plastic. I find this silly on a product of this caliber. As soon as I get a chance I plan to replace the crummy plastic posts with rugged metalic ones worthy of a really tight connection. (not one but 2 pair are required). Hope this helps!

Associated gear
Definitive Technology BP 20 speakers, Parasound HALO P3 preamp, MIT cables, and EAD CD-1000 front end.

Similar products
Sumo Andromeda, Spectral DMA-100

Showing 1 response by jafant

Another +vote for this amp from Bob Carver. I auditioned it as well back in 1995/96 with Vandersteen 2 series speakers. The amp exhibited very nice, powerful sound. I believe the rest of the system was an AMC cd player and Audioquest cabling.

Happy Listening!