Review: signal cable analog one Interconnect

Category: Cables

Budget esoterica review magazine
October 2011

First of all i would like to thank all of the loyal readers of budget esoterica review magazine. We have been getting a lot of requests for cheap but good stereo audio interconnects, so i have let my staff out of their cages to find you the ultimate interconnect on a budget. A staff member and audiophile prodigy who is on my team notified me of a small company in new york who goes by the name of signal cable.

I ordered the analog one interconnect from signal cable, and received it shortly thereafter. This is their entry level cable that sells for $40. The fit and finish of the interconnect is exemplary, and i like the burgundy red colored jacket. I will tell you from the start that this is the best interconnect i have tried in my budget audiophile system. This interconnect showed improvements at almost all levels, and that is rare for such an inexpensive cable. I would like to give you my listening impressions of a few of my favorite cd's and try to give you a little insight on what this cable might do in your system.

I recently purchased lee morgan, "the procrastinator", and my favorite cut is #5 titled, "rio". I noticed a creamy smooth sound with a relaxed presentation. The sound was clean with subtle golden accents. The highs were airy and there was very good upper frequency energy. There was excellent tone, liquid vibes, and a refined and subtle sound.

The police, "ghost in the machine" cd can be a difficult disc to get good sound from. The signal cable made it a little more listenable. I listened to "secret journey" and heard an airy sound stage with solid well defined drums. There was light depth, glassy tube like highs and i noticed clearer and more neutral vocals.

Pull out your louis armstrong "what a wonderful world" cd, and check out track #4. I noticed very good vocal detail and neutrality. The vocals were very clear and had excellent emotional articulation. The horns were depicted with excellent timbre and there is very good pace and timing. It also had a golden warmth presentation, which is very rare at this price level.

If you are a sonny rollins fan, definitely check out "G-man". Track #4 titled "tenor madness" has some excellent small details that may go unnoticed with your he-man interconnects. On this selection i noticed very good tonal color from the trombone. The people humming in the background are very clear and noticeable. I noticed very good noise reduction on this cd. The piano has moderate depth with the bass player placed in front. The saxophone has a light brassy slightly polished sound. The clapping at the end of the track has a "live" quality to it. Simply superb!

The last cd i listened to had an almost magical quality to it. Jeff Buckley's grace cd has some beautiful vocal qualities to it, and the signal cable interconnect put it in a very good light. I listened to "lilac wine" and i heard vocals that were very clear, pure, flowing and sweet. The large sounding drums were plump yet solid. I felt like i had entered goose bump territory. There was also a good dynamic shift in the vocals.

Simply put , this is a "go out and buy it", no hesitation, editor's choice recommendation. I didn't think i would get this much magic in a $40 interconnect and i can't wait to try out the other signal cable products. Life is sweet!

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