Review: Shanling SCD-T200 CD Player

Category: Digital

I just got this in and hooked up. I'll give it a few hundred hours to break in before commenting on its sound, but I'll describe the ergonomics and build quality while my initial impressions are still fresh in my mind.

This thing is built like a tank. The casing looks like it could stop a bullet. The remote is sturdy as well. The remote also allows you to mute the output which is coming in handy for on-the-fly cable swapping
It's a beautiful piece of industrial art, especially when its running and glowing in the dark.
Packaging is top notch, and the owner's manual covers operations well.
Nice sturdy looking power cord.
optional cone feet included.
Head phone jack with remote volume control.

Still trying to figure out were the three cone feet attach. There are four felt feet, but no threaded hole for the three cones. Hmm... The owner's manual makes no mention.

The remote control battery cover is spring loaded. The hex screws went flying when I opened it. Also the remote is not backlit.

I played the included dual layer demo CD in my Eclipse and was not impressed with the Redbook layer. I wonder if the deck is stacked in favor of the SACD layer. I don't blame Shanling, if so. I'm sure it's a freebie to them with the SACD license.

The lettering above the unit's function buttons is in a rather faint white font that's difficult to read in the light: Impossible in dim light.

Well, that's it for now. I'll be back in a couple of weeks with a review of the sound.

Associated gear
VAC Avatar SE, Synergistic Research interconnects, Gutwire Chime Speaker Cable, JMlab Mini Utopia speakers.

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Showing 2 responses by duddley

I'm not familiar with the T200 upgrade. What's it about?

Thanks for clueing me in on the cone feet.
It's been continuously on for 2 days now, and things are getting better already. Gone is the brittle, harsh, sibilants-fome-hell treble. The (redbook) soundstaging, although narrower than my Eclipse, is very precise left-to-right, but there is not much depth, so far. The dynamic range is not there yet either. I don't expect it to compete with the Eclipse in this regard, but it's still quite flat. No better than, say, a <$1000 asian player.

Stay tuned for more updates.
Well she's all burnt in now, and sounding very good -especially with SACD. Describing the sound is little complex because there are essentially four different players in one unit: A redbook and a SACD, each with switchable output stages - either tube or solid state. So, rather than describe each combination in detail I'll just give my general impressions.

Redbook: Although there is no upsampling, I find the sound equal to, or better than conventional players at this price point. It is an imaging champ, and provides very good detail. Midrange and bass are as good or better than other players I have heard in this price range e.g. Arcam FMJ. Tubes and Solid State give predictable results with the tubes mellowing out the highs and adding a lushness to everything. Solid state provides a more detailed albeit drier sound, but with more impactful bass.

SACD: In a word: Wow! Extended highs, lows, presence, soundstage width/depth, pinpoint imaging and the dynamic range is detectably more gradient. I am now totally sold on this technology. I prefer the tubes here because there is no need for solid state and the tubes make everything more analog like.

Aside from the sound, I don't think I will ever get tired of looking at this unit - especially in the dark when the transport glows blue and the tubes glow orange - way cool! It has become the visual focal point of the system.

So, in summary, I am quite pleased with this unit from a sonic, visual and cost/performance perspective. I have heard better, but at literally twice the price (and more). The switchable output stages make this the most versatile player I've encountered and nothing compares to it visually.