Review: Rotel RC-1070 Preamplifier

Category: Preamps

Well this preamplifier was sort of my first taste of mid-fi audio. First off, the looks are definitely fashionable, but not knock your socks off gorgeous. Functionally, it is remote controlled and all knobs are solid and work reliably. Moving to the sound, it was pretty smooth and tubelike sounding. Midrange was smooth and revealing, definitely a good match for the B&W speakers. But the problem I found was that it did not seem to have good control with bass, which in part is due to the RB 1080 amplifier as well. But other than that, I was very impressed with the sound of the budget preamplifier. One mistake is playing two sources at once, the preamp does have a tendency to bleed from source to source, so this can be a problem, but not if you are aware of it. The total harmonic distortion was nearly non existent, it is an extremely quiet preamp. Compared to NAD material, I found the Rotel to be a better match for my B&W speakers. NAD seemed to be a little less revealing in the midrange, but just an overall decent performer. If I were to rate the RC 1070, I would definitely give it a 4 out of 5. It is no dropdead gorgeous preamp, but it is a good bang for buck piece of equipment.

Associated gear
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Showing 3 responses by 2012chipmunk57

I am currently also running an rb-1080 and am running it with a Nak ca5 pre. No beefs. But for the sake of matching input and output voltages would it better to go with the rc1070 instead. Thanks for your time
I am currently also running an rb-1080 and am running it with a Nak ca5 pre. No beefs. But for the sake of matching input and output voltages would it better to go with the rc1070 instead. Thanks for your time
I just bought an rc - 1070 and can't wait to get it together.
I am running Polk Audios RP2000p with self amplified subs so even if there is a limit for bass on the preamp I don't think there will be a problem.
It's a mid - fi system but stil the best I've ever had.