Review: RidgeStreet Audio MSE Gen.II Digital Link Interconnect

Category: Cables

Over the past several years I've had the opportunity to own and use several good digital cables with my 5-watt 2A3 tube system and solid-state system. I still own and use the following digital cables: Illuminati D-60, Kimber Select KS 2020, and Onix Grand Master, i2 Digital X-60 and Midnight Silver Edition gen. II
Digital Link (from now on referred to as the Digital Link).

To cut to the chase, the Digital Link is the best sounding digital cable I've ever had in my systems. I didn't think it was possible for a digital cable to improve the overall sound of a two-channel system, but I'll be the first to admit I was wrong.

Just as the MSE Gen.II interconnects and speaker cables are extremely smooth, fast, neutral, transparent, and allow one to hear deep within the music and convey the force, speed and robustness of a live performance, so does the Digital Link.

What shocked me the most about the Digital Link was the entire bass became tighter, cleaner, deeper, with more punch and slam. The midrange was natural and musical with no sighs of artificial harshness. The treble was extended and smooth. The bass, midrange and treble had more dynamics in the area of micro details and resolution. Details that I had heard faintly in the background while using other digital cables suddenly became more apparent and obvious.

Soundstaging and imaging of the Digital Link was deep, wide and expansive. The only limiting factor would be the other components in your system. A mediocre or poor recording will continue to sound poor; however, good recordings will improve.

The Digital Link appears to be very well engineered and constructed. It is attractive to look at, very flexible, and lightweight. In addition, it has a very easy-to-read yet non-intrusive directional arrow and is clearly marked "MSE Digital.”

In conclusion, I realize that audiophile componenty is system dependent, and what sounds good in one system doesn't always work well in another. In this case the Digital Link sounds excellent in my tube and solid-state systems, and I highly recommend you give it a try if you're in the market for a new digital cable. I don't think one could lose with a 30-day money-back return policy.

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Showing 1 response by psychicanimal

Psychicanimal--a catalyst? Of course--I self describe myself as an agent of change!!!

Meeting Robert was not coincidence, as his partner was asst. mgr at my local Radio Shack and I started talking audio with him on my periodic visits. He started talking about cables and his friend, the business, the website, etc. One day I ran into an auction and I e-mailed Robert, then talked on the phone and the rest flowed naturally. The first telephone conversation with him gave me the same feeling as my first conversations with Kevin Barrett (KAB Electroacoustics) and Danny Boy (Modwright). I develop intense affinity/affection with these people who left their full time jobs and dedicate themselves to the art in a way that reaches people and deilvers true passion. The converse goes to the Voodoo priests and their cohorts. As a matter of fact, I sent my only two MSE ICs to Danny Boy along with my transport so that he could experience what Robert is all about through his craft. This past weekend I drove to Indiana, met Robert and his family and came back with two more sets of MSE Gen IIs. As I stepped into my car I held in my hands the bag with the cables and said to myself: "Oh shit, my vacation to the Caribbean is in this bag!!!"