I auditioned a pair of Ultima Studios several years ago, with a fantastic orchestral recording with solo violin. (I was never able to find the CD and have now forgotten the name.) This with top-line Levison digital/electronics. Since the F30s were on the other end of the same room and are similar in "stature", I asked if they might be swapped for comparison. The salesman was cooperative, if skeptical.
The truth, with identifical associated equipment and placement, was that none of the three of us could find a single flaw with the much cheaper F30. The price alone was enticing, and many may actually prefer the F30s appearance to the more, um, interesting Ultima Studio.
I recently bought a pair of Ultima Studios at a great price (personally preferring the weirder styling). The only reason I didn't spend much more time re-auditioning the F30 was that the knuckle-rapping test on the enclosure showed them to be substantially more live than the Studios, though my earlier audition found no particular audible evidence.
With examples selling on audiogon at under $2500, I consider them an excellent buy.
The truth, with identifical associated equipment and placement, was that none of the three of us could find a single flaw with the much cheaper F30. The price alone was enticing, and many may actually prefer the F30s appearance to the more, um, interesting Ultima Studio.
I recently bought a pair of Ultima Studios at a great price (personally preferring the weirder styling). The only reason I didn't spend much more time re-auditioning the F30 was that the knuckle-rapping test on the enclosure showed them to be substantially more live than the Studios, though my earlier audition found no particular audible evidence.
With examples selling on audiogon at under $2500, I consider them an excellent buy.