Review: Red Dragon Audio M500MKII Amplifier

Category: Amplifiers

Was having major amp woes when one of my aging Krell monoblocks began acting up. What to do. Spend $3K+ for shipping & repair? Invest $10K to replace them? Could I really be happy with Class D at a fraction of the cost? Enter Red Dragon Audio. With the very generous preview policy what did I have to lose. I tired both the 1000s and 500s. The new 1000s took a bit to burn in but once they did, wow. My Theil CS6 speakers presented a huge sound stage and detail especially with Electronca music like Robert Rich, Roach, Braheny, Deep Forest, Autechre etc. The demo 500s had perhaps a little less sizzle and extreme sound stage but the focus and presence of solo vocals and acoustic instrumentation was very pleasing. I just about went crazy switching back and forth trying to make a final choice but in the end I went with the 500s. I feel they will be a better fit in my system for overall listening.

Dealing with Ryan Tew was a pleasure. I highly recommend that anyone in the market for Amps give Red Dragon Audio a preview. I doubt there is a better bang for the buck out there.

Associated gear
Renaissance MKII Triode Pre-Amp, Ayre C-5xe, Theil CS6, Basis Table, Hydra 8, Nordost, Signature, Signal cables.

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Showing 1 response by brianportugal

I heats the 500s at axpona and have to agree they sounded fantastic with spatial speakers!