Review: Pure Note Epsilon Reference Speaker cable

Category: Cables

I have had many A-goners email me about these cables so I will write a brief review. Please refer to my review about the Pure Note interconnects here.

The Epsilon Reference is a unique speaker cable, supplied as individual runs and metal braiding over Teflon. Quality WBT connectors are used. The cables are held together by plastic blocks that also keep them off the floor. You can step on these and your dog or cat cannot eat through them. The idea behind the braid is not for shielding but to eliminate the dielectric absorption found in plastic cables.

I have owned the Epsilon Reference speaker cables for about a year. I have compared them to Silver Audio Symphony-48, Siltech G3, and Transparent Opus. First off I must say that the Opus is wonderful and perfect but at $30,000 (borrowed) I would hope so. I feel this is the ultimate reference cable. The Epsilon Reference at a mere $1300 (8ft) was very close to the soundstaging of the Opus but failed in ultimate musicality and purity. The Pure Note's however bested the Silver Audio's and Siltech's overall. The Pure Note's have superb wall-to-wall imaging and natural musical perspective. They are not hard, bright, or thin as one would suspect in silver cables. A review is scheduled on these cables in Positive Feedback, next issue, according to them.


Associated gear
Martin Logan Requests.
Krell Electronics.
Sony SCD-1
VPI tt.
Various cartridges.

Similar products
Silver Audio Symphony-48
Siltech G3
Transparent Opus

Showing 1 response by lak

I have also been using the Pure Note Epsilon Reference interconnects and speaker cables for a year. I really like them and refer to them as my reference. In my opinion they have out performed many of the competitors and the big boys. They are very hard to beat for the price!
I highly recommend them.

I have found a relatively unknown brand of interconnects and speaker cables that have appeared on Audiogon as an auction and reviewed once. I’m in the process of listening to them and I will post a review. These are a real ear opener, and should not be over looked or taken lightly. Keep an eye out for Ridge Street Audio “Midnight Silveredition”.