Review on the Rockna Audio Wavelight Pre/DAC just went up on Stereo Times

My review on the Rockna Audio Wavelight Pre/DAC has just been posted on the Stereo Times website. I have received many Emails from Gon members asking questions about it's performance in the last couple of months. There is an on-going thread about Rockna Audio DACs and I shared on that thread that I had the Wavelight in for review. This Pre/DAC has much to offer across the board and is highly competitive at it's price point of $5000. For all the details take a look at the review. Enjoy today's holiday!

Showing 1 response by jc51373


What you need to understand about the Audiobyte is the implementation of the DAC is completely different than the Wavelight. They DO NOT sound the same. Same designer, not same sound. The Wavelight sonically is an FPGA R2R (ladder) dac, the AV is not. Cooler screen, separate power supply is cool, but different sound in the Audiobyte. What is better is left to the ear of the beholder.