Review of ultraRendu / opticalRendu

I have both the ultraRendu (uR) and the opticalRendu (oR) from Sonore.


First: both are a lot better than lot of the standard music streamers mentioned in this group. Prior to this I had the Auralic Aries streamer. I think that Sonore streamers compete directly with SoTM's SMS-200Ultra series. I have the SoTM trifecta as well and am familiar with it.

One thing to keep in mind with all these streamers: the power supply choice plays a big impact in the resulting sound. I've tried a few (SoTM SPS-500, SBooster, Sonore standard linear power supply, Sonore Audiophile Power Supply (SAPS)).


However, there are differences between these products: In my opinion, the OS of the uR and oR (sonicorbiter) just runs better than the oS of SoTM (Eunhasu).



My early attempts at using both the uR / oR vs the SMS-200Ultra Neo had me conclude that the uR / oR are more detailed analytical whereas the SMS-200Ultra Neo was more euphonic albeit with a smaller soundstage.

Later, I temporarily put aside the uR and experimented with the oR. I tried a variety of SFPs / fiber combinations. Once I found one that I liked a lot (a CISCO combination), I realized that I was able to get best of both worlds of the earlier traits I had attributed to both classes of streamers.

So, at the moment, the oR is the one I like best.



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Showing 1 response by fuzztone

Not a fan, returned both. Both had shoddy support that was shoddy for me. They had no player OS, depending on Roon.

Glad it works for you.