Review: Musical Fidelity M-3 nuvista Amplifier

Category: Amplifiers

I owned the musical fidelity nu vista m3 integrated for about 4 months. I sold it to replace it with well reviewed 14k amps but they were far worse and i regret selling it.

The amp is beautifully well contrusted. It is certainly overbuilt, although not to the same extent as plinius and levinson amps, it is built to very high standards with high quality metals. The face plate of this unit, and its accompanying power supply, is truly magnificent and it certainly has one of the prettiest facades i have ever come across.

Now for the sound: The amps strengths lie in its magnificent highs. The extreme highs are so clear, pristine and well delineated it is the best i have heard in solid state in this regard. The midrange is very smooth, a little too smooth and lacks the grit that other amps let through. It has the ability to pretty up bad recordings yet does not let all the information go through. Is this a bad thing? Yes and no. It only seemed to remove the grit and grime from a recording but at the same time.... some times its those parts that lend a sense of space to a recording. The bass of the amp is good but not great. It did not fare well when comparing it to the plinius sa 250 mk IV and the Edge M8 but these are two of the best bass amps made. So it was competitive but never better. Its bass was tight but lacked depth and slam. None the less its a minor weakness. Overall i would highly recommend this amp. It easily beat the mark levinson 380, nordost spm, plinius sa 250 mk IV combo i put it up against and i would consider it one of the best integrated amps ever made. For 5k new or 3.5k used i dont think there is anything out there that can touch it in terms of looks, sound quality, build quality and power. This is easily one of the best audio buys of all time.

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Showing 1 response by zaikesman

What were the 14K mono's that succeeded it (or didn't, as the case may have been)? Sounds like you've got a reason to pick up the phone and order yourself one of those new Tri-Vista integrateds before they're gone (if they're not already).