Review: Morrow Audio 300B1 Monoblocks Tube amp

Category: Amplifiers

Randy M, 300B1 SET owner, with permission:

"I have had my new Morrow Audio 300B1 monoblock amps up and running for a week now.

I am using a Cary slp98p pre and BAT VK-5 cdp, VPI scoutmaster table with DV Karat cart, old Fisher 200b tuner.

I have been 'into' tube audio gear for 3 1/2 yrs, and specifically single ended amps for the past 2 yrs. I have learned the hard (= expensive) way, and have bought and sold a lot of speakers and gear... not cheap. I eventually found my way to hi-sensitivity speakers, including the big Klipsch, nice vintage Altec Valencia, and now John Kalinowski custom Fostex based speakers, which for me are the ultimate.

I have two pair wired in series, so four cabinets, one pair with the fe208sigma with Fountek neocd2.0i ribbon tweeter, and the other system has the fostex FW305 12" paired with the phenomenal Fountek neopro5i ribbon with both systems using only a single capacitor for crossover. All this is to say, I have very dynamic, easy to drive speakers in the 95 dB (12") 98 db (8") and 102 dB (ribbons) range, very SET friendly and very revealing.

The Morrow 300B1 amps are large, but there is a good reason for that. The electromagnetic fields don't interact, and the delicate input circuit is as far from the power supply as possible. The amp is visually very beautiful, with a slight industrial edge to it, with all the screw caps on the top plate showing. VERY nice build quality, just screams excellence. Wow!
It looks like a small city, with the power plant in the rear, imposing gold caps, power transformer and choke, and the HUGE output transformer right in the middle. The sight of all that Electra-print iron in one place is almost decadent.

The finish is excellent, dark reddish wood sides which smell really nice of freshly stained and varnished mahogany--but all this is described so well on the website.

The sound? I have to agree with all the superlatives on the website already, all the usual words describing the magic of the 300b apply--low level detail in spades, revealing, holographic, tonal purity, REAL . I would add: Authoritative! These amps don't mess around. The dynamics are fast and almost scary. Depending on the recording, crescendos explode, bass lines reach way down, cymbals shimmer, piano is thunderous--all while maintaining the delicacy and separation of instruments and performers that are so crucial to the feeling of 'you are there'.

One night I played Brahms cello sonata, Yo Yo Ma on vinyl. VERY rich, deep cello tones, much more authority than the px25 amp I've been listening to for a couple of weeks. Then I just listened, very beautiful, gripping, DETAILED, I love it. You are right, maybe its the transformer coupling, there is something unique.

I look forward every day to firing them up, and if they really do sound better after 100-200 hours burn in, then I am in for a treat, since they sound great 'right out of the box'. Thanks Mike, I feel very lucky to have received a pair of your world class amps.

OK OK, I know its a little gushy, but these things ROCK!! And I don't even listen to rock, mostly a classical nerd with nice female vocalists thrown in at times. Nothing like a little Diana Krall on a rainy day.

Maybe now I can spend more time listening and less time (or none at all) shopping for the 'ultimate amp'--I may have found it.

I rather like that, don't you? And its so true, I read once on AA the question "which is the best SET amp in the world" answer: "The one you don't own--yet!!" Its definitely time to quit shopping."

Showing 5 responses by ferrari

If rules were broken then it is Audiogons responsibilty. Have been told on occassions that Audiogon is a for profit website. So this should not have been a surprise. Just poor taste. Lets see when was the last time Nelson Pass,Conrad Johnson,Bryston,Classe,Audio Research and the like, did something this lame? All of those were fledgling manufactures at one time, but let the audiophile community be judge and jury on the products offered.

As far as I am concerned Morrow Products do not interest me,bailed out of tubes 25 years ago. Was into tubes for 20 years 1957 to 1977, that was quite enough for me. But many embrace this topolgy today, to each his own.

The only gall here is the manufacturer trying to make a case for this product by a supposed end user. If Morrow is to make it as a manufacturer it will have to follow the road taken by others, to achieve credibilty in the market place. In this very tough industry, instant success, is not part of the equation.

I do applaud Morrow for going into the market place. With that being said, dues have to be paid and it is a long and painful process, ask any of the above menetioned manufacturers.
It is clear that Morrow Audio is a sign of the times now prevelant in audio. This is not to disparage Morrow in any shape,form or fashion. The internet has spawned many of these types of business, which would not have been possible prior to the world wide web.

Even Nelson Pass and Rene Besne started Threshold, literally on Nelsons kitchen table in the early 70s. But the path for success was much different then, than now. That being mainly the internet. Although then, Nelson Pass had patents to register,acquire funding,find vendors to build parts to his specifications,set up a factory,hire employees,send out samples for review and attend CES shows and the list goes on and on. And all of it could have gone down the drain, with one bad review. That is courage and conviction few will ever experience.

But with that being said, if Morrow is to have any meaningful success today, it must go through the channels of the audio press and have a presence at various CES Shows and the like. Although Morrow is a factory direct business, to be viable it must establish some form of a dealer network in order to further enhance credibility in the market place. Quality bricks and mortar audio dealers are challenged as never before and all are seeking new products to embellish their product line. These audio dealers remain a viable part of this changing industry. To exclude them would not be wise.

In 48 years of being in this hobby/business I have seen far more failures than success's. Although Morrow products hold zero interest for me, my hat is off to them to have the pioneering spirit of those who have gone before them.

It is my sincere hope to be able to read a review of the Morrow product line in many of the established audio journals soon. I wish Morrow Audio every success, I do know what it is like to endeavour a start up company, in a field that is populated with like products. There is always room for cutting edge audio products and perhaps Morrow is the next Conrad Johnson or Audio Research on the horizon. But it is up to the critics to decide.
To be totally candid price is not an issue in this range of esoteric audio products. While I was in Colorado had the opportunity to visit Boulder Amplifiers in Boulder,Colorado est.,1984 as well as Innersound in Boulder,Colorado est.,1996 and Jeff Rowland in Colorado Springs, Colorado, est.,1985. These companies produce some of the most estoeric audio components with prices to match and all have a limited dealer network and supply review samples to audio press journals such as TAS and Stereophile and some others as well as attend CES shows. And in many instances was allowed to take some gear home to audition with no more than a copy of my drivers license on hand to verify who I was.

These companies support internet sales where a dealer for that product is not present. But pricing remains constant be it dealer based or internet driven.

There is only one company that is totally internet driven that I have bought from. That was AV123 located in Broomfield, Colorado, of which I was able to visit prior to purchase.

There is no shortcut to success in this endeavour, all routes should be explored. And yes, one must press the flesh. The internet is a great marketing tool, but should not be totally relied upon as a sole sales and marketing generator, but in conjunction with traditional marketing venues.

At this point in time the road will be long and winding with the obvious pitfalls along the way. All companies take a page out of the competition, such as the current commercial "What Would------Do?" In my view Morrow Audio needs to rethink thier current marketing ploy if any success is to be hoped for.

However my best to Morrow Audio and may good fortune come your way.
Ah, yes, I have been truly enlightened and I am most humbled by such deep thoughts. I can always count on the Audiogon Membership for thought provoking responses.