Review: Monitor Audio Gold Ref 60 Speaker

Category: Speakers

I listen to mainly jazz: vocals and instrumental
and classical: opera and orchestral
I prefer a realistic, neutral sound with minimal coloration from the speakers.
The Monitor Audio Gold ref 60 speakers were a good match for my Musical Fidelity system, particularly with the musical tastes I have.
I have now had the speaker for 3 months. It was a close call between them and B&Ws 802. I am really pleased with my choice.
The speakers are well balanced and provide clear, neutral vocals with a deep and wide soundstage. Despite being box speakers there is minimal coloration. I have auditioned Martin Logans and the Monitor Audio is in no way inferior for vocals both jazz and opera!
These speakers are not for the hard rocker. They are full range but well balanced so that the bass is not overpowering. They tend to be a little bright though straight out of the box and need well over 200 hrs of break in.

Associated gear
Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 3D CD player
Musical Fidelity Nu-vista M3 int amp
Musical fidelity 3.2 amp (biamp)
QED Genesis Silver Spiral speaker cables
PSC Silver Litz II speaker cables (tweeter)
Audio Magic Stealth Power Purifier
BMI Shark power cables

Similar products
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Showing 1 response by tigerscott

I was interested in your review as I will be auditioning the reference 20 speakers this week for potential purchase (one less driver than the 60s). I wouldn't call myself a "hard rocker" but do enjoy what you may call "classic rock" such as Boston, Styx etc. as well as lighter sounds from the Rippingtons to Julia Fordham. Can you elaborate on your comments regarding the limitations on the bass and add comments on performance for value ?

thank you