Review: Magnepan Magneplanar 3.7 Speaker

Category: Speakers

I have owned Magneplanars for 30+ Years these are the best I have ever had after only two days of burn in they sound incredible low level detail, clarity presence and punch. I encourage you to try them with what ever equipment combo you have because they seem like they do not need as much current to drive as before I myself would have paid twice the price to get this kind of always go hear them for your self I think you will find them to be an amazing product that will set the standard for mid priced gear for years to come.

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Showing 3 responses by aolprodj

everything is inside the walls and floor the room was custom built it gets very warm but it does the job.[
Harry Pearson's part two review in the Absolute Sound is out,as i stated in my mini review 3-28-11 this speaker is very special.It's nice to see that HP agrees with me.
I think every thing is improved.low level detail for late night listening is not incremental but huge I stand by what I said this will be the speaker to beat in the $5,000 to $10,000 range.