Review: Lessloss Tunnelbridge Interconnect System Interconnect

Category: Cables

This is a follow-up to my review of the Lessloss Tunnelbridge - First Impressions - review on 12-16-10. I received the final production version of the Lessloss Tunnelbridge Distortionless Interconnect System a week ago and was anxious to compare it with what I remember from the prototype. I was immediately struck by the amazing presence of the instruments and/or singers on a sound stage that filled the entire front of the room. The background was dead silent and separation was outstanding. I knew I needed to let it break in for a week so I put on my break in CD and waited. After a about 160 hours I listened again. Oh My Goodness!!!!! To back track, I had compared the prototype to my Nordost Odin interconnects. I had since sold the Odins and was using my old Nordost Valhalla interconnects. The Tunnelbridge completely blows the Valhallas away, and from my memory of the Odins, they come up short as well compared to the Tunnelbridge. The sound stage is more true and better developed, and the clarity and purity of the sound is wonderful. It is so natural sounding. The electronic edge I have been living with for so long is greatly diminished. The separation of vocals and instruments even in complex pieces is wonderful. There is such space in the listening experience. The dynamic nuances and subtleties of the singers and musicians is amazing. I can hear the breath around the words and sense the performer's presence almost as if they are in the room. The purity of the sound is maintained from base to treble with little if any distortion on the extreme ends. I truly become a part of the performance. I have listened to a wide range of music (symphonies, quartets, chorus, jazz, blues, pop, rock, metal, gospel, all kinds of vocals from many different labels) and the results are the same no matter what I'm listening to. I find myself moving to the music constantly and frequently get goose bumps. If you have an extra Lessloss Blackbody, I would recommend using it on the Tunnelbridge power supply. It takes the experience to a whole new wonderful level. I also recommend using a Lessloss DFPC Signature power cable with the Tunnelbridge power supply. It definitely makes a difference. A stock power cord will deteriorate the sound stage and return that unwanted electronic edge to the sound. In my final evaluation I would recommend the Tunnelbridge over the Nordost Odin interconnects without reservation.

Associated gear
Wilson WATT/Puppy Model 5 speakers, Jeff Rowland Model 6 mono-block amps, CEC 51x CD Transport, Lessloss DAC 2004 Mkll, Nordost Titanium Sort Kones, Nordost Valhalla speaker cables, Lessloss DFPC Signature power cables, Lessloss Firewall power conditioner, Lessloss Blackbody field conditioner

Similar products
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Showing 1 response by alanwc

Hi Tom,
Congratulations on your purchase. I'm sure you will be more than pleased with what you hear. It will take quite a few hours for it to settle in. You'll notice improved sound immediately, but it will mature over the next 200 hours or more. As far as the Blackbody, I think Louis does a great job of describing the effect on his website. I describe it as a passive field conditioner that reduces the electromagnetic radiation generated by the electricity passing through the circuitry of your stereo components. Since electricity passes through all the components, from power conditioners to the speakers they all experience the distortion cause by this problem. I have a Blackbody pointed at every component I own including the PSU of the Tunnelbridge. In my experience, you will notice a difference every time you add a Blackbody to your system, but I wouldn't add more than one Blackbody per component. There seems to be a point of diminishing return when adding too many. I have a Blackbody placed about 8 inches from the PSU pointing North. Although I try to point the Blackbody North, some components don't readily allow me to do so. For example, I have 2 Blackbodies pointing at the crossover circuitry at the back of my woofer and mid/tweeter of my speakers which face South. The North direction gives the best results, but you will still hear a reduced digital/electronic sound so prevalent in solid state equipment. I currently have 12 Blackbodies in my system. I have also noted that you don't hear as dramatic an effect in the sound of you system when mixing other power cords, interconnects or speaker cables. The addition of a Firewall will also make a big difference. I also can't understate how important vibration stabilization is to you system. I have not found a better product than the Nordost Sort Kones for this purpose. I don't like their power cords or cables as much since I compared the LessLoss products to them, but I can't recommend their Titanium Sort Kones more highly. I hope this helps you make a decision on your next move.