Review: Krell KAV-300cd CD Player

Category: Digital

I listen to a lot of jazz and rock. Patricia Barber "Cafe Blue" is an excellent test disc. The Krell does it all right. Bass is controlled and deep, Mids are dream like with excellent resolution. Highs are clear with no harshness. Overall the player has very good resolving power. The one thing I don't like about this player is it will not play all of my burned CD's.

I have had this player for approximately one year. It replaced a Resolution Audio 50. The sound opened up overall and became more neutral. Before the highs sounded rolled off to the point of sounding dark.

There appears to be no real weaknesses except for the part time playing of burned CD's. It works perfect with store bought CD's.

On the used market this player is an excellent buy!!!

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Showing 1 response by alexarmendano

If you want to read a reliable review regarding this CD player here is one from the owner of Lampizator:
I believe nobody is better suited to review it than the successful tube DAC manufacturer