Review: Klipsch RF-3 Speaker

Category: Speakers

I first heard the RB-5's used as monitors and was completely taken off guard. I did not realize the sound that properly constructed horn speakers were capable of. I decided to purchase a pair of RF-3's for my home theater system, and found a used pair of RB-5 for the rears, and a used RC-3 for the center. This system retired my Magnapan speakers for good.

Maggies are fine speakers, and do many things very well. However, the Klipsch in my listening room are alive, and I sometimes have to remind myself that the performers are not in the same room with me.

Overall, I am very pleased with my purchase and the performance of the Klipsch paired with my equipment.

Associated gear
Marantz SR-19EX Receiver
Marantz MM 9000 Amp
Adcom GCD 700 CD
Klipsch RC-3 center, Klipsch RB-5 rears

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