Review: Kimber Kable Silver Streak Interconnect

Category: Cables

For me, imaging is very important. I like to hear a jazz quartet as it might appear live on stage--Sax to the front, piano to the far left, bass in the middle rear, drums to the far right. Compared to the Kimber PBJ, the Silver Streaks really pull this off. Of course, it depends on the quality of your recording and the CDP. Right now, I'm using the Cambridge Audio D500SE, which is, admittedly, a bit of a budget player, but it'll do the job for now, and you can upgrade the power cord, which is next on the list. I have found that these cables tend to favor digital sources; I hooked up the SS's to my Project Wood 2.9 TT, and, while the imaging was slightly improved, I experienced some fatigue; it was just a little too hot (this could be my cartridge--a Grado Gold Prestige--but I doubt it. Switching back to the Kimber Heros, running from the TT to the DB Systems reworked phono preamp took the edge off of the presentation w/o losing much of the soundstage. The moral of this story: copper might just work better with analog sources. I should note that I'm running another pair of Silver Streaks from the pre to the Mistral Integrated amp, which is very fast and smooth. At any rate, I am probably preaching to the chior (if musical metaphors are allowed in this forum), but the Silver Streaks are worth a try, especially at current used prices.

Associated gear
Mistral Integrated amp. Cambridge Audio D500SE CDP.

Similar products
Kimber Kable PBJ, Kimber Hero.
Update on the Silver streaks. They have been settling down the more I listen to them. They seem to be a little smother now. I switched back to the Selects last night & it sounded like I threw a blanket over the speakers. I think i am satisfied with the streaks! Thanks Kimber.
My KCAG sounded best after I used a cable burner for a week. No harshness after that. Mike
I used 2 prs of 1m Silver Streaks terminated with WBT-0144 on one set and with Swiss Nutriks on the 2nd pair. I found the imaging first rate and deep, almost an etched quality to the soundstage. Though as you pointed out the cables proved hot. They never warmed up in my system. In fact I found them substantialy bass shy vs. the Hero's they replaced. Where the Streaks excelled in imaging and presence, the Hero was harsh and unfocused. On the other hand, the Hero was warm in the mids to upper bass and downright powerful and fast in the lower notes. I sold the Silver streak rapido... put the Hero's back in, until recently when I started a/b'ng Straightwire line including Virtuoso "R" & Serenade--Awesome.