Review: Final Labs Daruma 3ii Isolation Feet Tweak

Category: Accessories

The Daruma 3ii isolation feet provide great results at a reasonable price (something we can all appreciate). I had a fairly quiet system with a good sound stage to begin with. When I placed the isolatin feet under my CD player, I was amazed by the improved sound. The background was black as night and the sound stage really opened up (two key aspects of my listening preferences). I listen to a broad range of musical genre from rock to jazz to classical and I could hear the difference with each CD I played. I felt like Pat Barber and Eva Cassidy were sitting in my listening room playing. When I listen to classical, I hear clarity throughout the listening spectrum with no mud in the mid range, yet the detail is not fatiguing. I have been using the isolation feet for one month and I am still pleased with the sound quality. I have not used isolation devices in the past (mainly due to the cost), therefore, I don't have a reference to compare these to. The strengths of the Daruma isolation feet are the ease of use and the reasonable price (most dealers list them for $99.00 but I found them at Galen Carol Audio for $85.00). The only potential weakness I have found is that your CD player will move when you load and unload a CD or press any buttons on the face. I avoid excess movement by always using my remote and limiting physical contact with the player.

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Showing 1 response by megasam

I have owned both, and Darumas give you 75% of benefit of much more expensive Aurios MIB for much cheaper price. Galen Carol is a good source for these. Also easier to set-up, although new MIBs allow the single bearing on top (for extra cost) which I've heard makes set-up a bit easier.

I like these under CDP but keep in mind you must have cables that don't exert much push/pull force or bearings will be offset and not effective. This is my current situation so I am using large brass Mapleshade cones currently. I am keeping a couple sets of Darumas handy in case future cable change allows their use again.