Review: Creek OBH-12 Preamplifier

Category: Preamps

When I was searching for a preamp for my system I asked myself what features am I looking for in a preamplifier? Volume control (a remote if possible, listening from my couch) and switching from my TT pre-preamp to my CD...anything else? nope. I just described the Creek OBH-12 preamplifier. What else do you get with the preamp? supreme transparancy for one. Is this preamplifier for everyone? No...if you need to drive long ICs, use tone controls, have complicated switching needs or need to truley preamplify the output from any of your sources than this is not for you. Other features that help add to its attractiveness are that it takes the volume pot out of the signal path when your are not changing volume, allowing for a cleaner direct path in and out...transparancy baby! It is simply a volume control and source switcher (for up to two sources) with a tape loop. If you want a high quality, remote control, source switcher and volume control, this baby is for you. I had envisioned my ideal preamplifier as one that did not color the signal from CD to amplifier, but that allowed me to control volume, the Creek OBH-12 does this better than any other component I have auditioned. Some people say simple, I say focussed and elegant Try it you'll like it!

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Showing 1 response by jnorthlake

I've been using the OBH-12 for a year now. It is definitely the most transparent preamp I've ever had in my system. Sometimes the remote will not move the volume control. If I manually turn it all the way down, the remote take control again. Minor pain.
I am actually driving 3 meters of cable to my power amp with no problem. They're Harmonic Technology Precision Links and claim to have spec's that allow for long runs without any signal loss (impedence, inductance, resistance, one of those). Now if some pay thousands of dollars for preamps, there must be something that we're missing, but I don't know what it is.