Review: Concert Fidelity DAC-040 DA converter

Category: Digital

Starting in 2005 I worked myself up the chain of the very fine DACS built by Accustic Arts of Germany, finally ending up with their Reference Tube Hybrid. I have auditioned over six very highly regarded DACS in the last couple of years and found them to be quite good, but none of them exceeded the performance of the AA Reference Tube Hybrid in my system. I do not use high resolution material, only Redbood CDs, so these auditions were only based on this format because my large collection of music is composed totally of this material. Well, I know nothing is the "BEST" in high end audio, there are many fine pieces of gear when you get to a certain level of excellence. However, I thought that maybe the evolution of DACS that play the standard format had got to the point that it could not get really that much better. Each DAC might offer different slight flavors but not a qualitative shift to a much higher level of performance. It has turned out that I was very wrong regarding this assumption after auditioning what has become my new reference, the Concert Fidelity DAC-040.

The designer of the CF DAC-040, Mr. Masa Tsuda believes in very short and clean circuits in all of his designs. The analog section of this DAC is very similar to what he uses in his highly regarded reference LS-080 linestage. They both use 12AU7's and a 6CA4/EZ81 full-wave rectifier tube. It took over two years of on-going listening tests for Mr. Tsuda to find the NOS DAC chips to use in his DAC, there is no over or up sampling and any type of digital filters to be found any were in this piece, that delivered the sonics he was looking for. Which DAC chips he finally decided on are confidential and not disclosed. All the Concert Fidelity and Silicon Arts, same company, pieces are beautifully built to an exemplatory level including the DAC-040.

Why was I taken so aback by the sonic performance of the CF DAC-040, here's the reasons:

1) By far the most natural timbres and harmonic colors I have ever heard coming from a digital front end.

2) The microdynamics and prat of this DAC are amazing, yet it still allows the listener to relax into the music without giving up the punch and kick of the music.

3) What I refer to as image density or a 3D quality, what most would just call palpability, of each player with air around them on a layered soundstage was the best I have ever had in my system.

4) The CF DAC-040 creates a very open and deep soundstage with great layering in a natural way that allows you to have the illusion that your in that acoustic space.

Believe me, the AA Reference Tube Hybrid DAC is no slouch in these sonic qualities, yet, it was no were close to having these special attributes that the CF DAC-040 was providing in my system. To use very subjective terms this DAC has the most musicality/naturalness that I have experienced that just draws you into the music. Dare I say that a lot of listeners could be fooled into thinking that they were hearing an analog front end, instead of a digital source, I think so.

I end all my reviews by sharing that there is no "BEST" piece of any kind of gear, but many terrific ones. Personal taste and system synergy always comes into play. If your looking for one of the best Redbook DACS around today I highly recommend you audition Mr.Tsuda's "baby", you will be in for a sonic treat.

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Showing 16 responses by teajay

Yes Branislav,

The Playback Design was fully broken in. This audition was done at my friend's house who is a retailer dealer for both companies. I'm only interested in redbook CD's, if I was into high rez I would consider the Playback Design DAC and still keep the CF DAC-040 because of its performance on the standard format. If you think the Playback Design DAC is very 3D in it's presentation you would be amazed how much more the CF DAC-040 offers in this area.
Hi Branislav,

I can easily answer your question. I and a friend of mine, in the exact same system, compared the Playback Design to the Concert Fidelity on redbook and it was quite clear to both of us that the Concert Fidelity was sonicly on a much higher musical level then the Playback Design piece.

The Playback Design sounded kinda dry and two dimensional compared to the CF DAC-040. When it came to timbres and harmonics the gap was even larger. This is not an attempt to slam the Playback Design piece, it's quite good and can also handle high rez formats, it just shows that on redbook high wonderful the CF DAC-040 really is.
Hi Badwisdom,

I believe that Mr. Tsuda's philosophy of having the shortest/cleanest circuits possible lead to his decision of only having one input.

I would be curious about what your worries are because of this DAC only having one input. I would love to hear from you if you have a chance to audition and what you thought.

I just got reviewing another DAC for my website that is quite good, but no were close to the musical beauty of the CF-DAC-040. As you know this DAC only does redbook, yet the performance equals alot of high rez formats that I have compared it to.

So, let us know what you think if you do audition it.
Hi Ps68,

I used to use the MBL 1531 transport, until I went to its bigger brother the reference 1621a, and the CF DAC-040 performed beautifully with either transport.

I have heard all the other DACS that you mention and on redbook there is still a wide margin between the CF DAC-040 and the other pieces.

Hope you get one to audition I think you would be amazed at it's sonics.
Hi Paul,

Yes, I have tried many NOS 12AU7's in both my CF preamp and DAC. However, my favorite tubes in both pieces are either NOS 5814 or 5963 Sylvania Gold Brand Gold Pin tubes. Just beautiful sounding, better then my long plate Mullards,Amperexs/Mazdas/Telefunkens that are wonderful tubes, but I like the sonics of these Sylvania's more.
Hey Paul,

I forgot to also mention how important it is to change out the stock rectifier tube that the DAC is shipped with and replace it with a NOS tube. The rectifier tube type is a 6CA4/EZ81. I have tried Genelex, RCA, Mullard, Mazda and they all make this DAC sing quite well. This rectifier tube is just as important as the 12AU7 output tubes regarding how to get the most superlative level of sonic performance from the CF DAC-040.

Hope this good enough, the DAC has the same analog circuit design as the CF-080 linestage. If you go the website Positive Feedback Online-Issue 41 has a review by Mike Wechsberg on the CF-080 linestage with detailed pictures of its internal circuit layout. I know it's not the DAC, but close enough that it will give information on how short the total circuit really is.
Hi Husk01,

Congrets on your new CF DAC-040, I'm sure you will be delighted with how it will sound in your system.

The tubes that it is shipped with at best are nothing to write home about and do not let this DAC really sing as it can with the right NOS tubes.

For the 6CA4/EZ81 rectifier tube I recommend any NOS Mullard, RCA, Volvo, or Mazda, and yes this tube makes a great difference in the performance of the DAC.

For the pair of 12AU7's my favorite Choice is either a NOS 5814 or 6189 Sylvania Gold Brand Gold pin or a Mazda 5814 chrome plate. I have over 25 types of 12AU7's and these sound the best in the DAC in my system.

These tubes came from Brent Jesse Audio who is a great guy and his tubes are first rate. Have Fun!
Hey, my brother Mike,

I'm quite curious as you know to hear the latest upgrade regarding the CF DAC-040. So, of course I'll write up our experience regarding this generation DAC's sonic changes/improvements. We both agree that we still have not heard a better DAC on redbook and we have heard a lot of the highly regarded pieces that are acclaimed by others.
Hello Guys,

Last night I finally got to audition the CF-040 with the new battery based power supply along with the original DAC in an all Concert Fidelity based system.

No, the difference is not night and day, it does not "blow" away the older model, it's an evolution not a revolution and I did not want to throw out my CF-040 when I got home to listen to my system.

Here's what I heard: 1) More liquidity and ease without losing dynamics. 2) More extension and air/details on the top end. 3) A bit more image density.

So, congrats to CF for further refining a world class piece and taking it to even a higher level of performance then the last generation of this DAC.
Hello to everybody on this thread,

For my website where I'm a staff reviewer I have been going through a very extensive reviewing process on racks, footers, and isolation platforms. So far their has been a very big winner regarding replacing the stock footers on the CF DAC-040 to beautifully increase its performance in such areas as transparency/micro-details, more overall liquidity, tighter more extended bass, a larger more precisely layered sound stage.

The footers that created these beautiful changes are from the company Krolo Design, they come in sets of three and are very reasonable priced at $250.00. Mr Tsuda has always said that the stock tubes/footers is just to get you started and to experiment with footers/isolation devices to achieve ultimate performance. Regardless of what rack or isolation platform I used the Krolo footers on I got the same great results, with no negatives at all. If you own this DAC I highly recommend you audition these footers as soon as you can.
Hello everybody,

I have recently received many E-mails regrading my post on my impressions of the new battery powered version of the Concert Fidelity DAC-040. There seems to be either a misunderstanding or a distortion of my position by these readers of what I wrote. So, let me be as clear as possible:

1) The upgrade of the battery power supply took the CF DAC-040, that I believe is one of the finest if not the most musical redbook DAC on the market today, to even a higher level of performance. The major changes were in the areas of transparency, decay trails, even more liquidity and an ease to the overall sonic perspective, slightly more air and extension on top and finally a touch more refinement in the layering of the sound stage and the position of players on the stage.

2) Yes, the above stated are real improvements, however these are refinements of what the CF DAC-040 already offered at a very high level, so it's an evolution of this piece, not a revolution. However, this seems to have been misinterpreted by some folks that the battery powered power supply upgrade was not a step up in performance of the DAC when I clearly stated that it was. Remember, when you start at the reference level of performance that the CF DAC-040 offered already the changes are subtle not whole sale differences, because if they were that would imply something was quite left out or was wrong to begin with in the piece.

3) Mr. Tsuda will never make a change in his pieces unless he believes/hears that it leads to a higher degree of refinement and musicality. Unlike other companies that come out with a new generation very quickly because they did not take the time to get it right the first time when they released their product or it is time to promote their "latest and greatest" for marketing proposes, Concert Fidelity and Mr. Tsuda over time keeps working on refinement and the evolution of the performance of his gear. So, when he comes out with an upgrade to his pieces they really do offer a qualitative improvement.

Well, I hope the above stated comments clear up any misunderstandings of my original statements regarding the new version of the CF DAC-040. My system with the non battery powered version of this DAC still provides me with a wonderful musical experience every day. However, as soon as it's in my budget, I will be purchasing the new battery powered version to get the refinements it has to offer to me in my system.
Hey Fluffers,

I have in house the battery powered DAC for review for, whom I'm a staff writer for. I had spent enough time with the new model to know that it was an improvement over the last generation piece as I stated in past posts on this thread. However, now that I have spent many hours with it in the context of my reference system, I'll admit I was wrong! Both Dacs are great, however the tonal purity, the image density, and air and space around the players and their location in the soundstage goes to another level in the battery powered DAC.
Hello to everybody on this thread,

I have just sent in to the website that I write for, my review on the CF-040BD-DAC. It should go up in the next four to six weeks. As I stated on this thread my first take on the new battery powered version, it was not an audition that took place in my reference system, was very conservative and understated the vast improvements that Mr. Tsuda has gotten by going with the DAC chips being powered by the battery pack. I also nominated the CF-040BD-DAC as a piece that should be placed on the list for "BEST" of the year products. So, all you owners hopefully will enjoy reading about all the details regarding the DAC'S performance when the review is published and why I think its the most musical DAC on the market today.
Hello to all,

My review on the 040BD has just been put up tonight on I hope in an articulate way it expresses the beauty of this DAC.