Review: Basic Power Cord 12 ga. Power cord

Category: Cables

Found this cord to be more then "just basic".It has a very high average performance level in just about every parameter: soundstaging,dynamics,detail(helped reduce the slight edge from my system without sucking the life out - which some others have done!)So much of this hobby is finding good synergy and for me and my system this cord has worked well enough for me to feel I was getting most of the performance of the better cords. (only the JPS and Omega Mikro "may" be better than it but they cost 9-10 times as much).To sum up: fantastic price to performance ratio.I'm keeping them -- and auditioning the Power Strip; which seems to be cut from the same winning cloth!!

Associated gear
VPI MK.iii/Well Tempered Arm/Benz Glider(Anolog front-end).TMC Yellow(interconnects). Phonomena (phono section)Audible Illusions 3A (linestage). Odyssey monoblocks(amps).Vandersteen 3A (speakers).Two Vandersteen 2W (Subs)Audioquest Sterling/Clear. Sony SC555es(SACD)

Similar products
JPS A/C,ESP Essence,Black Knight, Virtual Dynamics Audition, Custom Power Cord Model 11,Top Gun and Power Bloc,Lat International,Absolute Omega Mikro, and a few others.

Showing 1 response by lak

Nice review! Do you know the websit address for Basic Power Cord?