Review Audioquest Wild Dog subwoofer cable

More than one year ago I knew it would come. It was on my list for a long time. Audioquest is distributed for Europe in the Netherlands ( I come from the Netherlands). I asked many times when it would come.

A sales person arranged it for me. The day Audioquest in America had the parts they shipped it to Europe. He phoned me that it was comming. I became very curious what it will do in my set.

In the past I have sold many different subwoofer cables. For a long time I sold a lot of Nordost Basseline subwoofer cables. Since 2010 I sold many Audioquest 1 and 3 subwoofercabels. These are good and nice cables.

It came in a nice black box. I was surprised how thick the cable is. I never saw such a thick subwoofer cable. The new plugs look stunning as well.

I went from 6.1% silver to 100%. But this cables is so much thicker than the Audioquest sub-3 cable

Since 3.5 year I have done a lot of research and tests with Audyssey and most with Audyssey Pro. I have created what I call stealth integration. This is when the subwoofer fully dissapears and that the energy is comming from were it is on the recording. Even when the subwoofer is on the right side of a set. A contrabass or drum on the left side will have it's energy comming from there. A few surround specialist were surprised about this 'new' level of integration.

Now let's talk about the Wild Dog. I did not know what to expect. I had a few things on my mind what it could do.

But it was a lot more than I thought it would give. It sets every single part to a much higher level. Like you go into a new zone of sound.

First of all it goes deeper. You feel more energy than ever before. It sounds a lot more what I call 'round' It would describe it as more realistic.

The level of stealth integration goes even further than were I was at the moment before the Wild Dog. A 'thick' pure subwoofer cable has a lot more speed as well.

The overwhole sound has more authorithy. I use my subwoofer from 16 till 140 hz. ( I can use it this far because the low freq. unit is made from very stiff and low weight ceramics)

Beside the higher level in authority you get an even more involving sound. The mid freq. sounds more musical.

Instruments and voices even become more physical and apparent. I did not expect this increasment in this area so obvious.

It is by far the best subwoofer cable I listend so far. For me it is the 'NEW' REFERENCE subwoofercable with ease. The level I have created with this cable and Audyssey Pro, was something what I had only in mind in the past.

These days the best subwoofers, acoustic room systems and cables togheter can give you a stunning level of integration with your beloved loudspeakers. And it gives you a much higher level in the overwhole sound.

Hearing is believing, so just listen to the new Wild Dog subwoofer cable and you will understand what makes it the new Reference!
In 2007 I started to sell monitor speakers with subwoofers instead of floorstanding speakers. I did it because it gave a much better balance with less limitations in the acoustic problems what floorstanders could give in the same room.

Even with roomacoustic systems in many situations a smaller floorstander with a subwoofer gives much better endresults than a big loudspeaker without a subwoofer.

With a better balanced sound you even hear more layers of the lowest freg. Many big systems also can get acoustic limitations in the low freq. Often colouration and acoustic problems with the floor, you will loose layers in the lower freq. This is the last thing you want.

With extreme fast subwoofers, best powercables ( Like Purist Audio) a reference cable like the Wild Dog and acoustic systems you get a perfect stealth integration.

In the past I was only interested in big loudspeakersystems without a subwoofer for just stereo use. But......these days I cannot think about listening to stereo without a subwoofer. If people would have said this 6-7 years ago, I would have thought they are crazy!!
It is a pitty that these kind of cables are not used at shows. Audioquest should demo these cabels and explain what they can do.

It sets subwoofers to a new and much higher level in integration. I have heard and listend to many subwoofers in my life. Same about cables.

But a cable like this one sets every high level subwoofer to a much higher and even new level.

" it is like you go into a new zone of integration and new
parts in subsonic sound come to the surface "

It is the level in stealth integration with the speakers were you in the past only could dream of but now has become a reality.