Review: Accustic Arts DAC I - MK3 DA converter

Category: Digital

A couple of months ago, I posted a review of the Ensemble reference dichrono Hi-DAC that contained information why I chose to replace my DAC with this outstanding piece. I had audtioned some of the most highly regarded DACS(Audio Note level 4, Full stack DCS, Meitner reference) and came to the conclusion that the Ensemble gave me the best Red book CDs could offer in the following areas: 1) Transparency and clarity without ever sounding etched or bright.2) A wonderful soundstage with precise layering. 3) "Air" around individual players with natural timbres. 4) The best PRAT I had ever gotten in my system from a digital front end. I thought I was set for a least 2 to 3 years regarding my digital front end in my system, until I heard the Accustic Arts DACl-MK3! I do not like to get long winded in describing the physical appearance/build quality of the piece I'm reviewing, so I'll keep it short in this area. Accustic Arts is a very respected German company and you can see the German craftmanship/build quality in this piece. It is the only DAC in the world that upsamples red book cds to 32bit/384KHz. If you have any technical questions regarding this conversion technique I refer you to www. dagogo. com, and Constantine Soo's review that goes into detail regarding these matters.(Soo gave this DAC a total thumbs up sonicly and states that it is the best SS DAC he has ever heard.) The Accustic Arts DACl-MK3 gave me all the sonic virtues of the Ensemble Hi-DAC plus the following: 1) A more extended high end with more details along with beautiful natural timbres. 2)A midrange that's more detailed plus that "organic/warmth" sense along with "air" between performers that audiophiles often describe when listening to world class tube amps.3)The Ensemble Hi-DAC has great PRAT, however the Accustic Arts DACl-MK3 is just as quick and dynamic in the bottem end but also gives an "ambience" to the low end that is just more "real" sounding. There are many great sounding DACS that are available to audiophiles/music lovers on the market today. There is no "BEST" but different flavors along with personnal taste and synergy in a system. However, I would now add to the list of world class reference DACS the Accustic ARTSl-MK3, which while not in expensive at $5,700.00, offers a wonderful set of sonic virtues and competes with the best DACS in the world regardless of their prices.

Showing 2 responses by pjl2122

I have done a blind test with 3 others in my audio group
with the latest nov, dec 2005 dacs from Reimyo,
and the Accustic Arts MK-3 . Please note, Power cables make a big difference in sonic presentation .
I used the little know Excellent Zu Mother cables throughout ,after much testing . digital cables are also very important I had the Kharma, Stealth Sextet, and Zu Digital cable ,they were all very high quality .
The Accustic arts was picked 4 out of 4 for overall performance including frequency extremes and inner detail.
The Reimyo was a hair more natural in the midrange .
This was taken or several parameters ,with all 4 listeners in a blind swap for each listener ,and cables .
With 4 per tests per person with 14 of 16 tests picking the Accustic arts.
The transport was the Excellent Accustic Arts.
In balanced rca , and Bnc form. Nothing under 30k comes
close to beating this setup!
This is to all I have done much experimentation ,including
a Teac , transport C.E.C-1 ,Ensemble ,Accustic arts .
And the Sonys best 777. the Sony for sure is more up front ,the software the transport is good although it for sure is not as musical as any of the others in the list .
Sony s are dependable ,not musical. the C.E.C is very musical but a little soft on the bottom.The teac was very good a little thin in absolute terms although very accurate The Ensemble may be a little more up front than the Accustic Arts ,although stil very musical. The Accustic Arts is so good for it is built like a tank excellent sounding,
and the best deal on the hi end market for a true hi end transport .The phillips cdm pro-2M is on it's own suspention,made of metal not plastic, and top loaders are just more stable. also the transport has even more effect than a similar dac ,and a quality cable is a must.
A cdrom dvd drive or multichanger just kills any capabilitys the dac has, you loose at least 15% of the dacs potential.Yes I have tried these units and multidrives.
Try it and for sure you will see what I mean.