Revelation Audio Labs cables comparison

Does anyone make a comparison between Revelation Audio Labs (RAL) with other cable such as WyWires or any other brand name? I listened to my friend RAL XLR cable and I am very impress with the sound. However, before putting down major dough, I am hoping AudioGoners expertise can give me some advice which brand name cable is sound as good or better than the RAL. Does cryogenic treated cable sound much better than regular cable? My system is Wadia 860i, Mark Levison Amp, and Revel Speakers. Thanks a million for your help.


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I brought all of this up when I contacted Brad.  It seems he's aware and addressed the issue by sending me a cable with no payment up front.  It arrived as described within a few days.  I'm remitting payment as I type this.

The sound of the umbilical is a huge step up from the stock wire with my Supratek pre amp.